Chapter 16

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3rd P.O.V:

Pietro paced the room where Wanda was staying while she was unconscious. He had been at the Hospital for hours while he waited for his twin. Charlie had come earlier to try to convince the older twin to go home, but he wouldn't leave her side until she woke up.

Dr. Cullen had moved Wanda to one of the rooms so Pietro could wait with her. He knew that Dr. Cullen said that she was going to be okay, but that didn't stop him from worrying. Pietro's phone rang while he made his way to his sister.

"Hello?" Pietro answered. "Pietro? It's me. I'm calling to check up on you two." A voice said. "Can the others hear me?" Pietro asked. "Yes. Why?" The voice asked. "There vas an accident. Vanda fainted and von't vake up." Pietro said.

"Shit, Pietro. Is she okay?" The voice said. "I'm not sure. Dr. Cullen said that she vill be okay. I'm just vorried. She still has nightmares about James and Lorna's death." Pietro said. "I wish we could do something." The voice said.

Just then, Edward walked in followed by Alice and Jasper. Alice was holding a bag with food in it. "Ti parleró dopo. Devo andare." Pietro said as he glanced at the three. (I'll talk to you later. I have to go.)

"Arrivederci, Pietro." The voice said. (Goodbye, Pietro.) "Hey, Pietro. How is she?" Edward asked as he walked to the older twin. "She's still asleep." Pietro said as he glanced at Edward. "Pietro? Our mother made you some food so you wouldn't have to leave her side." Alice said as she walked over to him. 

Pietro smiled slightly as Alice handed him the bag of food. "Tell your mother I said, 'thank you for the meal.'" Pietro said as he took the bag from them. Pietro watched as Edward moved over to his sister and gently pushed some hair out of her face.

Pietro couldn't get his mind off the conversation Edward had with Bella. He couldn't make sense of it. He was grateful that Edward had saved his sister but he was suspicious of Edward. Pietro's mind went back to the talk that Edward and Bella had earlier. 

(Hours Earlier)

"Your father's in the waiting room - you can go home with him now. But come back if you feel dizzy or have trouble with your eyesight at all." Dr. Cullen said to Isabella as he helped her to her feet.

Pietro watched as the Doctor walked over to Tyler and started to check his vitals. He looked back at Isabella and saw her watch Edward with a calculating expression. Isabella walked over to Edward and asked in a low voice, "Can I talk to you for a minute?"

Edward clenched his jaw and shook his head. "Your father is waiting for you." Edward said as his gaze traveled to the unconscious Maximoff. Isabella turned him to face her and said, "I'd like to speak to you alone, if you don't mind." 

Edward glared at her and then shot Pietro a look. Edward then turned towards the doors and strolled down the hallway. Isabella had to run to keep up with him. Pietro followed behind them silently and hid around a corner. 

"You owe me an explanation." Isabella said to Edward. "I saved your sister's life...... I don't owe you anything." Edward said in a harsh tone. "You promised." Isabella said in a whiny voice. Pietro rolled his eyes at her tone. 

"Bella, you hit your head. You don't know what your talking about." Edward's tone was cutting. "There's nothing wrong with my head!" Isabella said as a stomp could be heard. "What do you want from me, Bella?" Edward asked.

"I want to know the truth. I want to know how you got to Wanda so fast." Isabella said. "What do you think happened?" Edward asked. "All I know is that you weren't anywhere near us.

Tyler didn't see you either, so don't tell me I hit my head that hard. That van was going to crush Wanda..... But it didn't. I saw the hand prints on the side of the van. The hand prints which YOU left there. 

Your not hurt at all and the van should have crushed both of you, but you held it up. I want to know how." Isabella said. Surprise flooded through Pietro. The only thing that could do that was a Cold One or James. But James and Lorna were dead. 

"You think I lifted a VAN off of Wanda?" Edward asked. There was the sound of hair moving so Pietro assumed that Isabella nodded her head. "No one will believe you." Edward's voice held an edge of derision in it. 

"I wasn't going to tell anyone." Isabella said with a hottie tone. "Then why does it matter?" Edward asked with surprise coloring his voice. "It matters to me." Isabella said with a whine. "Can't you just thank me and get over it?" Edward asked.

"Thank you." Isabella said and then waited. "You're not going to let this go...... Are you?" Edward asked. "No." Isabella replied. "In that case...... I hope you enjoy disappointment." Edward said as the sound of walking could be heard. 

Pietro flashed back to the vending machine and acted like he was looking for something to eat. Edward walked around the corner with his fists clenched and saw that Pietro was at the vending machine. 

"Pietro?" Edward called as he neared the older twin. Pietro turned towards Edward and raised an eyebrow. "Yes?" Pietro asked. " How are you holding up?" Edward asked. "Not good. She von't vake up." Pietro said as he turned back to the vending machine.

As Pietro figured out what he wanted, he reached for his wallet, but it wasn't there. "Damn it." Pietro growled. "What's wrong?" Edward asked. "I left my vallet at home." Pietro said. Edward pulled out his wallet and pulled out ten ones. 

"Here." Edward said as he handed them to Pietro. "I can't let you do that." Pietro said as he tried to deny the money. "I want to." Edward said. "Thanks, Edward." Pietro said as he took the money. 

Edward's phone buzzed and Edward pulled it out and his eyes widened. "Hey, I have to go. I'll be back later." Edward said as he walked towards the exit. Pietro just nodded his head as he bought some high calorie food. 

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