Chapter 27

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A flashback. Hope you like it.

3rd P.O.V:

The Maximoff siblings wake up with a gasp. James and Lorna jumped up and moved quickly to the Twins. Lorna knelt next to the twins checking them over while James stood protectively in front of them.

Seven pairs of red eyes were on them. James tensed and glared at them. He wouldn't let them hurt his family. Not while he was alive. He would fight for them till his last breath.

"Hello, young ones. My name is Aro. This is Caius and Marcus." Aro said as he studied the Maximoff siblings. Marcus looked at their bonds and saw that they were the strongest he had ever seen in siblings.

Stronger than the witch twins. None of the Maximoffs moved. James started at the red eyes people with fear and determination. He was afraid of them but he was determined to protect his siblings.

"There is no reason to be afraid, young ones. We won't hurt you." Aro said in a soft voice. "Right. Like I'd believe anything you'd say after you kidnapped us." James said as he glared at Aro.

"Джеймс.  Он не сделает нам больно.  Обещаю." Wanda said as she slowly got up. (James. He will not hurt us. I promise.)  "Вы уверены, сестра?" Pietro asked as he cast a wary glance at the red-eyed people. (Are you sure, sister?)

"Позитивный," Wanda said as she moved to her older brother. They locked eyes for a few moments and then James backed down. "You must be hungry. We can get you some food if you would like." Marcus said with a soft smile.

Pietro looked excited about the idea of food. None of them had eaten a proper meal. Even more so for Pietro. He needed more food then all his siblings combined.

"If it's not to much trouble," Lorna said as she moved to flank the others. She trusted Wanda wholeheartedly. If she said they could be trusted, then they could be trusted.

Wanda wasn't sure why she felt connected to the strange red-eyed people, but she did know one thing. They wouldn't hurt them. Wanda had looked into their minds and had seen what they were.

She wasn't afraid though. To her, humans would always be the worst monster ever. These Vampires were only trying to live. Why should she condemn them for staying alive?

The Maximoff family followed slowly behind the vampires that were leading them to the kitchen. As the kings entered, all those who were working gasped and stopped whatever they were doing.

"My kings!" Everyone gasped. "We need you to make these four an amazing meal. They are hungry." Caius said in a commanding voice. Wanda flinched slightly at the loud noise.

"Of course my king." A man said who seemed to be the head cook. With that, every one of the kitchen staff took off and started to make all kinds of food. The kings made their way over to the table what was in the kitchen and took a seat.

With a quick look at each other, the Maximoffs sat down also. "Vhat are you?" James asked once he was in a chair. The three kings glanced at each other. Before they had a chance to speak, Wanda spoke for them. 

"They are vampires," Wanda said. "At these words, everyone froze. The kings were wondering how she knew. The siblings were wondering if they were going to be killed.

"Vanda? Are you sure?" James asked. "Yes," Wanda said as she looked at the vampire kings. "How did you..." Aro trailed off. "I can read minds," Wanda said with a shrug like it was no big deal.

"Among other things," Pietro said with a smirk. James and Lorna looked at each other. Both were freaking out but also amazed. They didn't feel threatened. They felt safe. They felt at home.

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