Chapter 33

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Pietro's P.O.V:

The door opened and we walked into the throne room. I made sure to keep my arm around Wanda just incase. My eyes glanced around the room and my breath left me when I saw Jasper.

He stood in the middle of the room with Aro looking through his memories. The pull I felt towards him was unlike anything else. The only pull stronger was the one I have with my twin sister.

"Aro? Почему он здесь?" I asked as I looked at my adopted father. (Why is he here?). Aro's head snapped up and he looked at us. A smile overtook his face as he looked at us. "Pietro! Wanda! I'm glad you're here!" Aro said as he moved towards us.

Jasper's eyes snapped towards us when our names were spoken. His eyes widened when he saw us. "Pietro?" Jasper whispered. He turned towards us but before he could move, Logan and Aiden were blocking his view of us.

"Move," I said. All four of our guards started to protest when I said, "That vas an order." Aiden and Logan parted but moved so they could flank us. Marcus motioned for Aro to go over to him.

As Aro went to sad papa, I looked back at Jasper. "Why are y'all here?" Jasper asked. "Ve vanted to come home," Wanda said as she curled into my side. I wrapped my arms around her and Jackson flashed to Wanda's side. "Princess? Are you alright?" Jackson asked.

I wasn't listening to her though, I was watching and listening to Sad papa and Crazy papa. Crazy papa looked happy about something. Just then, the doors flew open and Demetri walked in with Maria.

All heads snapped towards the two vampires. "Ah, Maria. It's so nice of you to join us." Aro said as he walked down the steps. His voice was anything but kind. His smile was unnerving, and even though it wasn't directed at me or my twin, I still moved her so I was between Aro and Wanda.

3rd P.O.V:

Maria bared her teeth are Aro and weakly lunged at him. "Maria!" A voice called out. All eyes turned towards the door and Jana ran in. Jane flashed into the room with her brother on her heels and said, "Pain." Jana fell to the floor and started to writhe in pain.

Wanda walked over to Jane and gently touched her shoulder. "Jane?" Wanda asked. "Princess?" Jane said as she stopped inflicting pain on Jana. Wanda nodded her head towards Maria and Jane smiled.

Maria fell to the ground as white hot pain shot through her. Jasper was watching everything with and trying to proceed the fact that his mate was in Volterra. "Jasper Cullen, the reason you are here is because you can provide evidence of Maria's wrong doing.

Jana and her are accused of creating a newborn army. Your memories have given us more then enough evidence of past crimes." Aro said. Just then, Jana lunged at Wanda with the intent to kill her.

Many things happened at once. Jackson and Nathan dart to intercept Jana, Logan teleports to Wanda and grabs her, pulling her into him and Aiden pushes Pietro behind him. Jasper flashes to Pietro's side, snarling at Jana.

Jackson grabs Jana and forces her to look into his eyes. "You will stop fighting." Jackson said as his eyes dilated. The compulsion takes effect and Jana stops struggling against Jackson's strong hold.

"Now, what to do with you two?" Aro asked as he paced back and forth before the two vampires on trial. "You already know vhat your going to do vith them papa." Wanda said as she glared at the two vampires. "That's true, Aiden?" Aro called.

Aiden smiled a sadistic smile and raised his hand. He twisted his wrist and Jana's head snapped off. He raised his fist with a smile and laughed. As he turned to Maria, Wanda beat him to it.

Her eyes glowed and mist surrounded her hands

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Her eyes glowed and mist surrounded her hands. She made a push motion with her hands and Maria's head went flying towards Jasper. He caught the head and stared at it. He then looked up as Pietro and then back at the head.

Jasper threw the head on the ground and pulled out a lighter

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Jasper threw the head on the ground and pulled out a lighter. He lit it and threw it on Jana's and Maria's bodies. Everyone watched with satisfaction as their bodies body burned into nothingness.

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