Chapter 29

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Wanda's P.O.V:

I woke up the next day with a splitting headache. As I sat up, I saw my brother's blue eyes staring at me. "Good morning, little sister. How did you sleep?" Pietro asked as he got out of bed and flashed over to my side.

"Okay. I guess." I said as I looked at him. I looked around and then looked at my watch. I had to do a double-take when I saw the time. "So, I've been out for a vhile," I said as I looked at my brother again.

He just nodded and then looked at the door. "Jackson? Aiden? Could you get out papa's?" Pietro asked. I knew our guards were stationed outside the room. It took me and Pietro two weeks to convince Aro that we didn't need our guards with us in Phoenix.

I seriously fought that he will let us go back without them now because of what happened. "Ve should get dressed so ve can go eat." Pietro said as he got off his bed. I got out of bed and walked over to our closet.

I put on my black dress, my red leather jacket, my black fingerless leather gloves, black thigh length socks and black combat boots. I also put on two necklaces on. One had a J on it and the other had a L.

Pietro walked out of his closet with a blue shirt on and some white pants

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Pietro walked out of his closet with a blue shirt on and some white pants. He had a blue ring on with some black shoes. He also put on a white watch and some glasses. He glanced over at me and smirked.

"I look hot

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"I look hot. Don't I?" Pietro asked as he posed. I just shook my head and laughed at this. Just then, a knock on the door was heard. "Wanda? Pietro? May we come in?" Crazy papa asked. I glanced at my brother and then nodded.

"Yes." Pietro said. The door open and in walked Marcus, Caius, and Aro. All three were looking at me with concerned looks on their faces. "How are you feeling mia figlia?" Aro asked. (My daughter)

"Okay, actually. I'm ready to see everyone again." I said as I moved towards my brother. Just then, there was a knock on the door. "Enter." Aro said. Two faces we never though we would see again peered into the room.

 Two faces we never though we would see again peered into the room

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(Logan, imagine him with red eyes)

(Nathan, imagine him with red eyes)

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(Nathan, imagine him with red eyes)

Nathan and Logan were here. My brother and sister's old guard. Logan has the power of teleportation. Nathan has the power of shape-shifting. He can turn into any animal. He was able to do that before he was turned.

"Nathan? Logan? Vhat are you doing here?" I asked as I looked at both of them. "Aro sent for us." Logan said as both he and Nathan bowed before the three kings. Nathan, Logan and Jackson are brothers while Chelsea is their sister.

They were turned at the same time. As was Aiden. Even though they technically weren't related, they acted like family. "We have something we would like to talk to you about." Marcus said.

"Vhat is it?" I asked as I looked at their faces. "We want to assign Nathan and Logan to you as extra guards." Marcus said. Instantly, every single muscle in my body froze. My mind was in chaos but I managed to answer, "Vhatever you think is best, then that's vhat ve vill do."

Pietro saw my discomfort and asked, "Can ve eat now?" The kings nodded and 7 of us headed out of the room. We were met by Jackson and Aiden. Instantly Jackson pulled me into a hug.

"I'm glad to see that you're okay." Jackson said as he disengaged himself from me. "I'm fine. I'll be better once I've eaten." I said as I glanced at my brother. He gave me a grin and then picked me up and we off to the kitchen with the sound of laughter following us.

Hey guys. Merry Christmas. I know this is a short one but it's important. These characters I'm introducing are important. Let me know what you think of the story so far. Also, should I send the twins guards with them back to forks and have them stay out of sight or should they stay with the volturi until book 2. I mean if they go back there won't be that much interaction between the twins and their guard. Also I'll give a shoutout to the first person who can tell me the song that I use the most in this book.

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