Golden Butterfly (Vampire Knight)

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*Dedicated to angellov for commenting first*

She parked her suitcase in front of the large gates of Cross Academy, her 'haven'. How long has it been since she burned her own files? She no longer 'existed' and as far as she knew, it won't be long before she was found by her former controllers better words her school of highly trained stalkers people call spies.

Walking through the gates of the academy she couldn't help but feel the queasy feeling in her stomach elevate. Not the nervous queasy but happy bubbling feeling.

She was free now. The girl who escaped the hands of the the spies who called her Golden Butterfly, was now free.

Her black locks of hair bounced softly on her back as she confidently strode down the lane that would lead her towards the headmaster's office.

She'd finally shaken her school off of her trail and it was undeniably hard. Seems they really didn't want her to leave, that or it was the fact she's learned too much during her wild goosechase.

She slowly walked through the hallway, her flats clicking against the marble flooring, echoing into the eerily quiet academy. Looking up at the door she was sure this was the door to the headmaster's room.

Memorizing the blueprints of the school wasn't so hard, okay so maybe it was, but she was just excited which made it easier.

The sound of her knuckles rapping on the hallow wooden door rang loudly as movements were heard in the room.

"Come in!" A slightly nostalgic voice said. She pushed down on the handle and walked into the candle lit room. Her smile grew bigger as she walked in.

"Again, you don't know how glad I am to accept this," she said. The headmaster smiled and said, "It's fine, I never really thought I'd actually accept a free student though,"

The story was that they had met while she was on the run and they'd became good friends. Hung out at times when she could and when he learned she was in needed of someplace to stay somehow, he offered her a spot to his school.

Unexpected, untrustworthy, suspicious, and to her great distaste, mysterious. "Is there something else I should know," She asked curiously, pondering the thoughts roaming around her head.

He shifted in bis seat and started to clear his desk full of important looking folders. Clearing his throat, the headmaster said,

"Um, no, only that you will be in the day class, curfew would start around now and.....that's right you need a tour guide, the school grounds are fairly large, we wouldn't want you getting lost now,"

He paused as if to say more and as he'll closed the drawer that contained the precious files he was just holding. She turned to take a good look of the room, as if it might hold the keys to her satisfaction of the school being mysterious.

Noticing a bag, well a uniform in a plastic bag, she said, "Uh, do we have uniforms?" The headmaster's face lit up, practically glowed as he said, "Oh we do! Aren't they lovely!"

She got up and walked over to the uniform plucking the hangar off of the rack it was hanging onto. "So, I like the colors, white and black linings,"

He nodded his head enthusiastically. "Yes, the white color really- Wait, white?" Headmaster stopped halfway, his head looking surprised at the uniform.

"Is something wrong?" the girl asked him as she carefully analyze his thinking face.

"Oh well you see the white uniform is for the night class members, you see, I'll have to order you another uniform," he said.

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