Chapter XII - Final Act

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Shadow's POV:

Safety without you would be worse than death. I could never stress it enough even if I just began experiencing it.

I had been in this lost and undetermined state for as long as I could recall. It wasn't the most pleasant plight I had to put up with for the first time.

Is this my kind of death?

Which could be worse, then? Death of an unfortunate mortal? Or a cursed immortal?

My consciousness was trapped inside an inoperative and mortally wounded body, the brain perhaps being the only thing functioning in my systems. Enough requirement to consider me mentally alive, I must say - yet practically useless. On the bright side, there was no more physical pain... though the emotional burden was still there. I take it back.
The negative energy dwelling in me was still in a critical level to even try and reconnect the functions which are vital to my basic biological operations. However, my current condition was the least of my worries.

Is he alive?

It was then I started to sense a familiar presence, something which felt so right as if... it belonged to me. My chaos?

Heh... faker. Going against my rules once again, aren't you?
I would stop you if I could. I wouldn't allow you to proceed with your selfless plan if I could. I would rather stay dead for your sake if I could. But of course, as always, the risk will never stop you.

If only I was alive, I would scold you for putting your life before others... before mine, to say the least. You never cease to surprise me, hedgehog.

After a few moments, I could feel my raw chaos, my primary life source in him growing stronger, more violent, uncontainable... just like their savage owner. It was dying to reunite with me.
One beat. Two beats. Three beats. Four. My heart was back to life and warmth from the stagnant blood in my lifeless body dwelled in my veins once again as if receiving a heavy transfusion. My ears started picking up noises and, to my dismay, the first thing that became audible in my senses was his agonizing scream. Each second from there made me feel nothing else but utter guilt.

Can his body even bear this move?

But no matter how much I got myself worked up, all I could do was hope for the best. His systems were no longer mortal - I never told him.
I, myself, didn't want to believe that he had fully adjusted to chaos. If he knew, he would put his life on the life even more.

I couldn't accept that possibility.

A tremendous wave of heat covered my entire being as the beating of my heart became wilder like it was burning my skin. The negative energy making my current consciousness possible was starting to deteriorate as it was being replaced with... chaos - such senses were indications that everything was, so far, in favor of this cocky hedgehog's game plan.
Soon enough, I found myself sharing the same pain he was experiencing. Not like it was something new to me, but the fact that I was at least, able to empathize with what he was dealing with reassured me that it was something I knew he would overcome.

Air. Respiration. The function registered in my head. It circulated in my lungs, and just like that, I was rekindled back to the life I had always regretted and hated before.

And once again, I am yet to value each breath I would take. All because of you.

My bright, crimson eyes snapped wide open as pure chaos blazed intensely inside my core; he was covered in a bright, golden light, and so was I.
Those eyes I had secretly cherished were closed, but admittedly, seeing him was the best thing I could possibly wake up to.

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