Chapter IV - Act II

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Silver's POV:

She wouldn't tell me what the incident earlier this morning was all about no matter how much I pressed the issue discreetly during the discussion. Afraid to be faced with a fuming Blaze, it was about time for me to keep the curiosity to myself before I pull her last straw.

I slumped against the couch, crossing my legs as I stole a glimpse from Sonic who appeared to be listening to Knux and Tails regardless of the random things they were talking about. On second thought, I really should be paying attention to them if I wanted to fully catch up.
Assuming that Blaze had been all ears, I was about to open my mouth to speak, only to find out that she was talking to Amy who also happened to be sitting beside her.

Bummer, I placed my elbow on the right arm rest and rested my chin on my hands.

Boredom was already getting the best of me when I caught Sonic looking towards my direction. Who wouldn't look back?
I shrugged my shoulders whilst raising my eyebrows and he gave me a subtle smile as if telling me to 'hold on just a little bit more.' I smiled back at him and breathed out slowly, he always minded others before himself.

Here and there, I would steal quick glances while maintaining a low-profile. There would even be a few times where I would meet his gaze and we'd just throw small expressions which served as our conversations. More minutes would pass and I would be bored enough to distract him by playing with the daisies beside his bedside using my telekinetic ability and he would playfully scold me to stop.

"Just... get to the point already," it started as a small thought as I stretched my arms upward, preventing a yawn - I never meant to say it out loud.

When I closed my mouth, Knuckles was already staring at me with a pestered look. Fortunately, Sonic and Tails backed me up by reminding them the need to get the next search and battle plan polished out as soon as possible.

It was finally noon when they arrived to the actual agenda which was Tails' research regarding the changes with Sonic after the ARK incident along with Sonic's explanation and storytelling so they could meet halfway and burn down the info into a single conclusion.
Together with the knowledge each of us have regarding chaos energy and its capacities, we found out that ever since Sonic was taken back to Möbius without the dispelled chaos energy getting absorbed out of him, he would gradually adjust to the nature of chaos.
We were told that it didn't matter whether it came from... Shadow... or anyone else who wields the chaos; it would still mean that Sonic could harness its power potential and would have enhanced senses, higher tolerance of pain, easier regulation of bodily enzymes and other biological components such as hormones, and lesser chance of being susceptible to common illnesses because of the immunity effects brought by the chaos' properties.

Despite the what-seemingly pros of the now, running and living with the energy inside him, Tails gave a warning as to how it would continuously grow and how it should be maintained through training and self-control or else it would become unstable and eventually kill the host.
Given the risk that followed, he was offered to have the chaos energy taken out of him, yet he politely declined.

It made me feel a spark. I'd get to hangout with him more!

All throughout that reporting, I couldn't help but study his reactions. I, myself, was at a loss for words when I found out the changes he underwent because I didn't really notice the same things in me despite my nature of wielding it - well, actually, scratch that.
Not like I could really compare anything if I wasn't a normal Möbian at all like Amy or Tails or Rouge to begin with.

Perhaps it would explain all the spiking chaos energy I felt when I visited him the night he was confined.

I knew he was special.

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