Chapter IX - Act II

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"If my calculations are correct, this could mean that what Sonic did was a reverse move of chaos blast!" the two males listened attentively to the yellow kitsune's explanation.

After resting for a while in Prison Island and healing each other, they decided to report the incident immediately back to the workshop to see if the blue hero inflicted any detrimental effects to the ultimate lifeform. Rouge being unavailable due to the additional work she had to bear to make up for Shadow's absence, only the guardian and the pink hedgehog made it to the urgent meeting.

"It doesn't make any sense," the red echidna tilted his head as he looked at the graphs being displayed on the huge projection of the fox's computer screen.

"For you, it never will," the raven male bared his fangs whilst shaking his head, the blue blur quietly snickering as he playfully nudged his rival who was sitting beside him.

"You see, take a look at this," Tails presented an animation showing how a normal chaos blast works. "Based on how Shadow elaborated the steps and requirements needed in order to do a chaos blast, he distributes chaos all around him before treating his whole body as if it is a single molecule, forcing back the energy and compressing its power so it would become extremely unstable and create a destructive explosion once he lets go of the intense pressure."
"To make it simpler," for verification purposes, baby blue eyes glanced at the antihero who only nodded at him - allowing him to proceed. "It is the same concept which explains nuclear fission: the splitting of a very dense and unstable nucleus into two lighter and balanced nuclei."

Amy Rose cupped her chin with interest, "So, in the case of Sonikku, if it's just the reverse, it's only like nuclear... fusion?"

The twin-tailed fox raised his eyebrows, unexpecting the pink girl's scrutiny, "Yes, but I will have to omit the word 'only' in this scenario."

"Oh, I totally didn't like the way you emphasized that," the sapphire male raised his shoulders, attempting to lean against his counterpart's shoulder yet finding himself either being glared at or pushed away.

"I would call it hard luck, Sonic," his little brother turned to the next slide which shows the chaos blast in reverse. "While nuclear fusion means releasing vast amounts of energy by combining two light nucleis, you have to have super high atomic energies in order to trigger the fusion - these high energy particles are our main problem."

"Faker discontinued his chaos blast, it was not long enough until I spared no effort to do the same approach," the ultimate lifeform crossed his arms, fully comprehending the set of circumstances. "Are you implying that him, stealing my charge and proceeding to retrieve his own diffused chaos energy triggered the move?"

"Yes, and adding up the things that you and Sonic tackled earlier," Tails sat down and started to input new insights in his computer. "I can only conclude that the chaos energy residing in him has much more potential than I initally expected!"

"So, basically, does it mean you're no longer mortal?" Kncukles butted in as he tried to make sense of the scientific terminologies.

"No way I would allow anyone of you to test that, just saying," the speed demon raised both of his hands in objection, laughing sarcastically.

"I really can't give a straight answer for that, Knuckles," the yellow fox considered the question more than anyone did. "Our basis of immortality is Shadow, but even if that's the case, I can't risk the idea of giving Sonic the same label. Like I mentioned before, I can only confirm that his normal form is currently twice as stronger as he was before the accident in the ARK."

"Still, that means," Rose glanced at her beloved who finally succeeded in making Shadow give up for a while so he could lean and relax his head on his rival's shoulder. "We're gonna go back to the notion that it could mean more risks for him?"

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