Chapter VII - Act II

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Before I could yell out the warning, I took a step within a millisecond when my inhibitor ring just sparked, instantly allowing me to chaos control right in front of Shadow who had his crimson eyes wide open. All I felt was heat- but there was no time for me to react properly as I extended my right hand-
A quick but intense heatwave coursed through the entirety of my body; it felt like being burned alive before it was followed by a bright and golden light coming from my right hand. Astonishment was all I could see from Shadow's expression before we were thrown away from a sudden explosion.

What just happened-

Shadow groaned as he immediately picked himself up, dusting himself off, "What was that, Faker? How did you-"

"I have no idea either," and I was downright serious. I grasped his hand so I could stand back up.

"Hedgehog, you just chaos controlled and threw a chaos spear!" did I really do that? Was that the reason why I felt like I was being grilled internally?

"Interview later, Shad! We got a problem here," wandering my emerald eyes sharply, I waited for another unanticipated attack. "Didn't you hear the noise?"

"I would've reacted long before you even could if I did," his tone implied that he was acknowledging my improved senses.

"Now, we're facing a threat, your senses are pretty much back to battle mode, yeah? Keep your eyes wide open, Shad. It doesn't seem to be chaos."

"Does it feel like psychic? I doubt I can sense this type of energy once it gets too strong. Though worry about yourself first, Faker."

We both kept our guard on as we stood back to back, nervous about the sudden intruder who almost had invisible attacks. Chaos danced at the tip of my fingers as the inhibitor ring prevented them from scattering away.
After a few seconds of holding our fighting stance, there was another deafening noise, this time coming from my back. Wait, is Shadow the target? Why is he not sensing it til the last second? He's not even reacting again!

By any chance, can I try it once again-

I set my mind to reappear above Shadow, just the proper angle to launch another charge to counter the incoming attack - closing my eyes and letting my body move on its own. How bold of me to not say the two magic words for safety measures, oh well- dangerous is fun!
Opening my eyes, my feet were no longer touching the ground as I found myself levitating at the same and exact spot, right where I imagined it.

Hell, yeah! Now, this is happening!

I felt a spark of heat from my eyes for a brief moment, the same sensation I get whenever I change into my super form, before circling my hand from my back and hurling a strong bolt of golden chaos hinted with royal blue towards the unknown projectile.
Unlike the first time, I attempted to get the both of us to safety by swiftly holding onto Shadow's arm, fortunately chaos controlling away on time and landing safely on the other side of the lake.

"Faker," he hadn't dropped the subtle awe painted on his face. "That was no longer speed."

"Better," I narrowed my eyes as I readied a compressed chaos ball in my hand, golden and navy sparks crawling up to my right arm. "Because whatever it is, it seems to have a pretty high frequency that it isn't detectable for you anymore, and, man! It is undoubtedly into you, Shad!"

Shadow growled under his breath, aggravated by the fact that he was the one who needed saving this time, heh, "Just take it easy. I trust you and your senses."

"Sweet!" I let out a lively chuckle, indicating that I was starting to get the hang of it. I gotta say, I feel like I'm cooler now!

"Who the hell is even attacking us?" he bared his fangs, conjuring an immense amouny of his own chaos and wearing it as an aura in hopes of intimidating the enemy. Gee, he always does this. Edgy.

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