Chapter VI - Act II

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Ocean green eyes squinted before slowly fluttering open, a small whimper escaping their owner' lips as he regained his senses.

"Faker," he recognized the hypocorism before he could trace the figure of his rival with hazy vision as soon as he looked on his side.

Running a gloved hand through his blue quills, he figured he was leaning against Shadow once again. Sonic shook his head slightly, "Is everyone fine? Where are we? What happened?"

"Ten to one, you overused your chaos energy and ended up using your own raw power when you chaos controlled everyone all at once," the ultimate life form extended his arms backwards gently, careful not to push his rival's head off his shoulder - bare fingers planted down the grass to support his weight.
"Everyone's safe, perhaps staying in the fox's workshop," the red-streaked male heaved a sigh as he gazed at the sky. "I only happened to borrow you."

"His name is Tails, Shad," sitting up straight, the cerulean male took notice of the unfamiliar environment.

"Whatever, Faker," Shadow casually remarked, waiting for more questions to be thrown at him.

"And... borrow me?" Sonic noticed they were in a large clearing, surrounded by towering trees, and a wide lake located at the center. "For what exactly?"

"The doctor will be after us on this day forward, so they thought it's for the best if you learned how to regulate your chaos," ruby locked with emerald, the blue hedgehog noticed how the peace he once observed in the hospital was back in his counterpart's gaze. "We both know the imminent danger it has to offer."

Sonic scratched his cheek, "I see, but isn't it going to... you know, drain me again?"

"I'm with you, hedgehog. You possess a part of my energy," the red-streaked male reassured. "They will have my head if I let anything happen to you."

Shrugging his shoulders, the blue hero thought it'd be a good excuse for a small hangout at the very least, "Alright, what's the main course today?"



"You heard me, hedgehog," he gestured his head towards his gloves carefully placed beside a huge boulder. "I know you're moronic and dense enough to burn energy from turning into super form just because you feel like flying. That lunatic move will eventually kill you. So, can we not waste more time and take off everything that will add to your weight?"

"Okay, okay! No need to be rude, geez. What a sorry excuse of a teacher!" kicking off his shoes, gloves, and socks - the blue blur swallowed his breath as the sight of the lake was enough to send shivers down his spine. 'I've got a bad feeling about this.'

Shadow had to admit, regardless of the countless times they had to spend together, it was always the uncomfortable feeling brought by physical contact which he knew he needed to learn how to overcome.

'And what I am about to do should put an end to my anxiety and dignity,' getting up on his feet, the red-streaked male approached his rival and placed a hand on his peach shoulder, "It is obvious enough that I have always hated the idea of getting out of my comfort zone regardless of the fact that we learn best when we operate on the edge of our abilities."

Crimson eyes were averting the other's stare as he continued, "The fear of messing up, of failing; the fear of the unknown, of the uncertain - I've always given this concept a thought and it still crosses my mind every now and then. The thing is, it is wired in our brains and there is no such thing as being fearless. Don't you agree, Faker?"

Thinking that what Shadow was saying was necesaary, Sonic kept himself from saying unnecessary remarks and nodded in silence - allowing his so-called mirror to go on, "The idea of fear is natural as much as it is vital to survival. It steers us away from threat and danger, yet just like any other imperfection this world has to offer, it does not really know the difference between good and bad risks, so it avoids them altogether."

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