Chapter IX - Act I

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Sonic's POV:


Never have I ever thought in my entire life that I would be woken up by someone else other than Egghead in an hour, in a place, and in a manner I would least expect.
Three days had passed since the friction with Silver, and I was confident enough to say that these past few days had been quiet and pretty much normal until today. Well, disregarding the fact that the nightmares had been getting more and more frequent to the point where Shadow had to force the words out of my mouth because I would often act weird.

Now, I was put under his hellish supervision and savage treatment without any warning.

"Spear!" that certain, demonic call of his rung in my eardrums and all the drowsiness covering my entire being left as a way of reminding me to make it out alive.

"Are you serious, Shad?!" as early as five in the morning, my oh-so-peaceful sleep was interrupted when the comfy bed underneath me vanished.
Next thing I knew, I was chaos controlled to a wide clearing and a deadly spear was going straight right at my face.

I'm so thankful to Chaos, I'm the fastest thing alive!

I could already feel the heat of the spear an inch away from my muzzle when I managed to launch myself sideways, evading the attack, "You are seriously going to kill me!"

"On your toes," he appeared midair, right above me, a sly smirk on his face and his left hand charged with chaos energy.

Oh, boy, not again!

Hurling his hands down at my direction, he disappeared after discharging another spear, but I was too distracted from the bolt aimed at me to locate where he was when I felt a sharp sting piercing my right torso - sending me flying for several meters until I hit a tree trunk.
Not gonna lie, that was not a normal kick. It didnt't feel like he held back. Was that intentional? I groaned in pain as I tried to pick myself up from the ground. Looking down where I received the blow, I considered myself lucky for not finding any serious burn.

"Gee, I just woke up. Easy on me, buddy," was not the smartest thing to retort as he only shook his head before throwing his signature death glare - and I knew right away that he wasn't playing games.

Another spear was thrown towards me without my eyes seeing him move in the slightest when he vanished in place for the second time. He had improved so much for a short span of ti-?!
Blood was picked up by my tastebuds as I felt another wave of excruciating pain from my left waist this time - my body slamming against the ground from the impact. Just as when I thought it was worse this time, a hard kick connected with my abdomen, lifting me up right before a spear collided with my chest.

It was supposed to be a finishing blow, but I could tell he greatly held back the chaos energy from that last spear. Given that mercy, the physical combat he unleashed on me was still no joke.

So, I found myself laying on the ground. I couldn't move for a while. What was he thinking?

Metal shoes clinked against the gravel scattered around whilst approaching me, my eyes following his gaze being the only indication that I was still conscious.
As he inched closer, I swiftly swung my feet in a circular manner to forcibly set myself upright - right knee bent and the other stretched, a hand on the ground to keep my balance. That small action alone was enough to make my breathing more ragged and labored; that was how drained I already was from Shadow's beating.

"Even if you believe that you know someone all too well," he dropped his lifeless glare as he heaved a heavy sigh, offering his hand so I could stand up. "There will be times where you have to suspend all your beliefs lest you'll be deceived."
"You can't trust anyone but yourself," I grasped his hand, and the very second I felt him tense up, I figured what he was trying to prove-

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