Chapter 19

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(Y/n) POV

It was pretty cool how close the house was to the ocean but what was even more amazing was the beach itself. The clear water glistening under the sun but the best part was the fact that the beach was just for us. I saw a beach volleyball net and the others all playing around. Sanji was cooking with the grill, Zoro was asleep, Robin was relaxing, Franky was drinking, and everyone else was playing in the water.
"(Y/n)-chwannn! You look so beautiful in your swimsuit~!!!!"
"Thank you Sanji."
"Hey (y/n) come over here and help me beat them." Ace said referring to the Luffy who sat on top of Usopp's shoulders.
"Yosh!! I'm number one!!!!" Luffy laughed.
"No one can beat us!" Usopp cheered.
"We'll see about that. Let's go Ace. You and me."I said entering the water.
"Alright now we're talking! Well come on hop on." Ace turned around and I hopped onto his shoulders, struggling to stay balanced a little as he moved around.
"Alright. Are you two ready?" Sabo asked. "Ready set... go!!!" With that Luffy and I began pushing against one another as our partners tried to keep their balance. Everything seemed to be going well for Ace and I when my partner suddenly felt himself get kicked, knocking him back and into the water."
"We win again!" Luffy cheered.
"No one can be the Great Usopp."
"You're so cool!" Chopper said.
"Like hell!!! You cheated!" Ace yelled angrily.
"I don't know what you're talking about?" Usopp  lied played innocent. "Ask the ref."
"Well I didn't see anything." Sabo said.
"It was underwater how would you see that!!! (Y/n) let's go again."
"Yup. Come on." I didn't hesitate to climb back on so that they could go another round. Once again Luffy and I were pushing against each other when Ace kicked Usopp from under and he and Luffy fell into the water. Usopp jumped out of the water looking very mad at Ace.
"You cheated!!!!!"
"I don't know what you're talking about." Ace played innocent and I giggled.
"(Y/n)-chwannn!!! You're food is ready!" I heard Sanji call.
"Okay I'm coming!" I started to get out of the water when suddenly I saw Ace and Luffy speed out of it right towards Sanji.
"Food!!!" Luffy said. He tried grabbing one of the Yakitori skewers but Sanji only slapped his hand away.
"Get your hands off. This is for my angel not for you two. You guys can wait." Sanji said with frown until he saw me coming up and he ran with the plate like a love tornado. "Here you go." He handed me the plate almost like he was a prince. I thanked him and went over to the lounger chairs where Mizuka was already ate and it seemed that Sanji already gave her food as well.
"Do you like it?" I asked.
"It's good." She answered nodding her head. That's when I saw Sabo walk out of the water and sit right next to me.
"Are you hungry Sabo?"
"A little but I can wait. You know how Sanji is. He wants to feed all the ladies first before us filthy men." Sabo joked and I laughed.
"Well I don't think it's a problem if we share."
"No. It's alright I don't want to steal your food."
"To late. Here." I said leaning a little closer to him while hold a Yakitori skewer to feed to him. I notice a blush appeared on his cheeks and he took a bite of it. "Good?"
"Yeah, it's great." Soon enough everyone had a plate of food and we all gathered together to eat and talk the delicious meal prepared by Sanji. I'm not sure but somewhere along the line Sanji demanded that Luffy and him switch rooms. Luffy said no and now they were having a swimming contest to the boulder out in sea and Zoro got dragged in when Sanji insulted him.
"Okay, ready... set..." Usopp began.
"Go!!!!" Usopp and Chopper yelled. All three of them swam as fast as they possible could with us cheering them on when we all saw Zoro drift of a completely other way.
"Where is he going?" Sabo asked while Ace simply laughed. He saw him take a turn at another boulder and we could no longer see him.
"I think we need to go after him."
"Already on it." Sabo said before running back to the house and returned dragging a row boat behind him.
"Oh yeah I forgot we had that thing." Ace said.
"Yeah this should help."
"I'll go after him." I spoke up as Sabo dragged the boat into the water. It wasn't to big probably only met to hold three people.
"I'll come with you. I'm pretty good with boats." Nami said.
"Alright. Mizuka you know what to do." She nodded her head turning into her small cat version and jumping onto my head. Nami and I hoped into the boat and she began to row it into the sea as we followed the path we saw Zoro took. When we got behind the boulder we didn't see him anywhere.
"Seriously where did he go?" Nami asked. "Here use these binoculars. They should help." I took them and put them to my eye looking all around for Zoro until finally I found him.
"He's over there!"
"How does he even get all the way there!!!!" Nami yelled.
"We should hurry before he tries to find his way." I said and Mizuka meowed in agreement. If he starts swimming again he was sure to get even more lost. Nami knew that so she began to row the boat at a faster pace until we finally reached Zoro.
"Get in the boat already!" Nami ordered.
"I didn't think that you could get lost swimming. You never cease to amaze me Zoro." I giggled as I helped him up.
"I'm not even sure what happened. I thought I was going straight." As he spoke a giant whale began to emerge from the water behind him and I could see Nami was frozen with shock.
"Zoro..." I called and he turned around seeing the exceptional large creature behind him.
"What the hell. I've never seen a whale that big." We saw it open its mouth and we realized it was trying to eat. Water began to get pulled into it but before we got caught into that Nami rowed the boat so fast it was like we were in a car.
"AHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!" I could hear Nami yelled and cry as she rowed so fast that we wore back in the shore in only a couple of minutes. She zoomed off of the boat and onto the sand until she determined it was safe.
"What happened?" Chopper asked.
"There was this huge whale and I think it was trying to eat us." I answered.
"This is all your fault Zoro if Nami-san and (y/n)-chan got hurt I would kill you!"
"How is it my fault?!!" Zoro yelled.
"We're fine Sanji. So what happened in your race?"
"Sanji won." Sabo answered.
"That means we're rooming together Bloom-chwannn~!!"
"Guess so." I giggled. "So what next?"
"Suikawara!!!!" Luffy yelled.
"I got the watermelon right here." Sabo said. With that our little game began. 4 rounds and still no one managed to split the watermelon. It was now Ace's turn with Sanji and Nami telling him where to go. Sanji was the one that was suppose to tell him the truth and Nami was the one lying.
"Zoro are you going to play too?" I asked.
"No. It's pointless and I don't really care." I sat on the beach chair and Zoro sat on the floor in front of me.
"You're always so serious Zoro." I teased poking on his cheek. "Lightened up and have some fun."
"Leave me alone!" Zoro yelled with a blush and pushing my hands away. I was giggling when suddenly Ace appeared in front of Zoro hitting the sand only centimeters away from hitting him. "What the hell?!"
"How'd I get here?" Ace asked confused taking off his blindfold. "Sanji I was listening to you."
"Sanji weren't you suppose to tell the truth?" Robin asked.
"I got confused. After all, they're both green."
"Give me the stick!" Zoro said angrily. "I'm going next." He tied their blindfold and began to spin around as Sanji made his way to me.
"Did you do that on purpose?" I asked giggling.
"Yeah. That swordsman gets on my nerves.
"I could tell. Well anyway you've been playing for a bit, I bet you're thirsty. Want a drink?"
"It's alright. You don't have to go to the troub—." Sanji cut himself off when he was suddenly hit on the head by a bat.
"Looks like I missed." Zoro said taking off the blindfold.
"That's it.... you aimed for me!!" Sanji yelled.
"And you aimed for me first!"
"Break it up you two!" Nami said. "We're suppose to be playing a game!!" Nami hit them both on the head and everyone just laughed. From there, we all just played games, laughing and talking the entire time. There were the occasional fights but it was still a fun time. When it get late we all went back inside the house for dinner and then we all went to our rooms. Since Sanji winning he was now in room despite Luffy's complaints. I made him leave of course for a moment so I could change into my pjs before letting him in. I noticed that he grabbed a pillow and put it on the floor so I had to question him about it.
"Why are you doing that?" I asked.
"I'm going to sleep on the floor. You can have the bed, (y/n)-chan."
"No, sleep on the bed."
"Yeah, it's okay. I don't mind." I smiled. He climbed into the bed sleeping at the edge and me on the other until we both fell asleep.

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