Project Pridefall

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So it has come to this

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So it has come to this. Whether you are in the community or support it, the chances are you'll be targeted. I don't mean to scare anyone but disgusting things like this are happening and I don't how what else to do other than forward the information and spread awareness.

I'll be taking down this and other books now and publish them again in July once this purging is over. Homophobes, transphobes and jerks all over are targeting lgbt+ community and as a writer of lgbt+ stories, I'll be taking this step to lessen my chances of being a target.

This shouldn't take happen to anyone in any situation and it's disgusting. I hope fellow writers also take down their lgbt+ stories and save their work.

Stay safe everyone. I love you all ♥️ and I hate these assholes 🤬

The Little Devil (Sope) ✓Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora