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Yoongi returned back after spending two hours with Jimin and tried his best to convince himself that he was just helping Jimin and nothing else. All that effort to keep the feeling of guilt at bay.

The first thing he did was to see what his boyfriend was doing only to find the younger sleeping on his couch without changing.

An automatic smile appeared on his face as he went ahead to pick him up as gently as he could without waking him up and took him to bed

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An automatic smile appeared on his face as he went ahead to pick him up as gently as he could without waking him up and took him to bed. After placing the tired, sleeping boy on the comfortable mattress he removed his shoes and put a cover on him before turning the lights off. With one last look at the sleeping figure, Yoongi stepped inside the bathroom for his night routine but something caught his eye and he turned around to look at the small note hanging on the door.

Is Jimin okay? <H>

The words made Yoongi reread them again and again wondering how did Hoseok find out about him going to see Jimin. After a few moments of pondering over those three words he put the note in his pocket with a shake of his head to talk about it next day with the younger. Once he was done with everything else, Yoongi changed his shirt and went to sleep next to his boyfriend.

The next day Hoseok was awake first and was greeted by the slow breathing of his boyfriend who had him spooned. He smiled at how soft Yoongi looked but it immediately turned into a frown when he remembered what Jungkook had said to him when he was waiting for Yoongi the previous night.

Why did Yoongi hyung go to Jimin's house?

Hoseok sighed as he stared up at his sleeping boyfriend's peaceful face before speaking in a whisper.

"Why did you lie to me yesterday?"

Yoongi, of course, gave no response since he wasn't awake but the younger kept staring at him hoping to get an answer. After some time of hopeless wait, he pulled himself out of the embrace and went ahead to freshen up. Maybe Yoongi had a reason for what he did. Maybe it wasn't what he was thinking it was.

After getting ready for school Hoseok didn't bother to wake up his boyfriend and went out silently after making himself a sandwich. He met Taehyung and Jungkook on his way who asked him the same question he wanted the answer of but dropped the topic after getting a sad smile in response.

The entire day he kept wondering about the reason why Yoongi went to see Jimin and lied about it to him but he couldn't think of anything positive. Every time he tried to do so, his mind would get filled with all the possibilities that he didn't want to think about.

When the day was finally over, Hoseok couldn't wait to go home and ask his boyfriend to end his misery. As soon as he opened the door, a worried Yoongi was pacing around who whipped his head in the younger's direction when he heard the door open.

"Hobi! Why didn't you answer your phone? I was worried sick."

The younger felt a wave of love wash over him when he saw Yoongi worrying over him and for a second he forgot that Jimin even existed. Unfortunately, he did and he also had made him extremely anxious these days.


The said male stopped in his tracks and looked at the younger in confusion which was the cue to ask the question.

"Will you answer me honestly if I ask you something?"

The older blinked at him once before realizing where it was going and he nodded earning a soft smile.

"Where did you go yesterday?"

Yoongi didn't waste another second before replying.

"To see Jimin."

Hoseok's heart clenched but he was glad to at least hear the truth.


Yoongi stared at his boyfriend's eyes for a second before replying with all honesty.

"To tell him to stop bothering us. To tell him that if he doesn't we will kick him out of our group for good."

Hoseok stared back at the piercing orbs and couldn't stop himself from believing those words in an instant. It added to the joy he felt that all his horrible predictions were wrong and that Yoongi was his and his alone.

Meanwhile, the older kept telling himself he was doing this for Hoseok. The younger didn't deserve to be worried. He only deserved all the good things and there was no way he was going to become a reason of having them taken away from him. And if he had to lie to keep him happy he would.

"I was worried for nothing."

Hoseok chirped happily before going to change leaving a struggling Yoongi behind who mumbled to himself when the younger left.

"Don't you dare open your mouth, Park Jimin."

When the bathroom door closed, Yoongi hurried to check his boyfriend's phone to see if he could find out who could have told the younger about his visit to Jimin. After checking his messages and calls he figured out it must have been Jungkook and it reminded him of seeing the maknae couple in a store when he was on his way. He didn't think they would have followed him but apparently they did giving him another thing that he would have to be careful about during the whole 'experiment'.

Quickly leaving the device back where he took it from, Yoongi took out his own and typed a message for Jimin.


If you want me to help you then you better make sure no one mistakes anything about us. If they do, I won't do it anymore.

Not long after he received a reply.

I won't say anything to anyone. I promise.

By the way, Jungkook asked me why you came to see me today.

Yoongi's grip on his phone tightened. If the younger had replied differently to the maknae than he did to Hoseok, it could become a huge problem.

What did you tell him?

I told him that you kind of threatened me not to bother any of you of again.


The older sighed in relief. It was somewhat similar to what he had told his boyfriend so it wasn't a problem but he needed to be very careful of the keen eyes of his dongsaeng. But at the same time he needed to make sure that Jimin doesn't cause any problem either without giving him an upper hand in this situation since he was playing with fire at the moment. For a moment, the older stopped and thought again about what he was doing and shook his head. He knew this could become a mess yet he still stepped in it and now had to bear with whatever he would face.

For him the conversation was supposed to end there but not for the younger apparently.

Do you like ice cream, hyung?

Yoongi stared at the phone before typing his reply with a chuckle.

I think it's alright.

Will you go out to eat it with me tomorrow?

The sound of the door opening behind him made him jolt in his spot and without a thought he replied and put his phone back in his pocket.

Yeah sure.


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