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[Hobi's POV]

I tried to stop him not because I don't want it but because it's inappropriate here. I don't feel comfortable here but he's making it too hard for me to keep my resolve. He teased again and I-

"Y-yoon mmhh not here, ple *gasp*"

I want him. So badly. But not here. I must stop him so I try again knowing well he won't listen but he suddenly stopped. I blink at him as my heart still kept beating like crazy while Yoongi got up and straightened his shirt silently.


He didn't answer me and just looked around for something while I sat up slowly. I know it wasn't right to turn him down like that but I had a good reason.

Oh, his jacket. That's what he was-

"I'm going out for a while."

Before he could leave I run after him and hold him back.

"No. Let's just go home."

He halts when I grab his hand to stop him and sighs but says nothing more than a small 'okay'. I keep his hand in mine and he limply lets me hold it without holding mine back at all.

"I'm really sorry, Yoongi bear but you know it wasn't right to-"

"Get in."

He cuts me off as he opens the car door for me and I quietly oblige letting go of his hand begrudgingly. The drive was silent and painfully awkward. His eyes were glued to the road not even blinking and his lips pressed together.

I know I was tad bit harsh but isn't he being too much? He looks like I killed his dog.

When we reach home shortly after, he quickly gets off and goes inside leaving me in the car. He's seriously acting like a kid, now. I shake my head and follow after trying to stop my smile.

I know he shut himself in his room again so I directly walk over to his room and peak in. Sure enough he's sitting there brooding in angst.


I call him as I walk closer but he only glances at me before going back to whatever he was doing before.

"I'm sorry."

"It's okay, Hobi. I know you don't want me."


Ups! Tento obrázek porušuje naše pokyny k obsahu. Před publikováním ho, prosím, buď odstraň, nebo nahraď jiným.

Just. Look. At. Him.

He looks so cute right now pouting like that that I can't help but walk over and peck his cheek.

"That's not true. I want you. I told you I was just worried about being caught."

He makes weird faces but doesn't say anything except for sighing exaggeratedly.

If he's not going to listen when I'm being nice then I'll make him listen in a different way. He still doesn't budge when I said that so I just move ahead and sit on his lap and that makes him look up at me but still he said nothing.

The Little Devil (Sope) ✓Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat