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Their delivery was there in a short while and the boys dove in like pigs. Jin was first to yell when he saw the mayhem and possible destruction of meal.


The moment his yell was heard everyone froze wondering what could have angered him all of a sudden.

Jin took a deep breath before starting very seriously.

"Don't you guys have any respect for the most divine thing in this world? How can you act like animals? Move aside and sit like humans. I'll give you each your share."

Everyone stared at him for a second before slowly starting to reach for their orders. Jin became furious and hit each time a hand moved ahead.

"What did I just say?"

The boys gave up and obeyed after which Jin set the food in front of them for them all to eat properly. As soon as he stepped back to say they can eat, the others didn't wait for him to speak and attacked. Jin sighed and went ahead to sit next to his boyfriend.

"When will they learn to be civilized?"

Namjoon looked at his sighing boyfriend and patted his thigh before speaking with his mouth full.

"Wont wowwy. Ey wiw ve fife. If's ofay. Eaf uf." (Don't worry. They be fine. It's okay. Eat up)

Jin looked sideways in utmost disgust and hit his boyfriend on his arm.

"How many times did I tell you not to talk with your mouth full, Joonie?"

The said male giggled before continuing his munching making Jin sigh for the nth time now.

[Yoongi's P.O.V.]

There they go again. When will Namjoon stop trying to be cute just to agitate Jin? Doesn't he get tired? It looks very tiring. Oh who cares? I glance at Hobi and he is too busy with his meal to notice Jimin eyeing his plate while poking his own. Why is he doing that though?


I call him out and Hobi looks at me as well as soon as I call the little trouble maker who immediately looks up with a grin plastered on his face giving away what he's about to say.

"Yes baby?"

I give him a poker face but he keeps grinning from across me while Hobi looks back and forth between us. I ignore it all and ask him as his hyung.

"Do you not like what you are eating?

Did he feel surprised by that? Why? Does he really think everyone is an ass like him?

He shakes his head and looks back down in his but Hobi doesn't stop staring at me.

"He's not eating. I just asked him because he's our dongsaeng."

He nods and goes back to eating silently before stopping and moving his plate towards Jimin.

"Take a bite."

Jimin looks up unfazed and shrugs before taking it.

"Mmmm. It's great. I'll take some more."

Without waiting for a response he pulled Hoseok's plate and began inhaling the food.

"Yah! I said one bite. Not the whole thing."

Jimin poked his tongue out at him and continued making Hobi laugh slightly before he took Jimin's and started eating. Jimin is a picky eater so it was understandable that he didn't like the new menu we tried but at least there was something for him, even if it wasn't his own.


I hum in response as I shove a big bite in my mouth.

"Shouldn't we try to hook him up with someone? He might become tame. What do you think?"

I don't think it's a bad idea but why do we have to try that? Someone else can do it. Before I could say that Jimin spoke up.

"I can hear that, you know? You guys are literally sitting right next to me."

Hobi turns towards him and flicks his nose.

"Yeah, I know. You were supposed to hear that."

Jimin puts his almost finished plate down and stares at my boyfriend with mirth filled eyes.

"Are you saying you feel threatened by me?"

Hoseok snorted and looked at him with a grin on his face.

"No. I think the entire world is threatened by your existence, you brat."

Jimin acted offended and clung onto Jin sitting next to him in the circle.

"Hyung~ Hobi hurt me."

Jin patted his head before smacking him.

"He's your hyung. Where are the honorifics?"

Jimin giggled before snuggling further on the older's arm.

"Scold him too. He hurt me."

Jin sighed again and said.

"Hoseok, don't hurt him. Just kill him."

That was unexpected but I liked it and so did the others including the victim himself.

"If I die, who'll make your love lives interesting? Aren't I right, hobi baby?"

Hoseok gagged at him and another round of laughs was there. Well except for the maknae couple who are jus focused on eating not minding us at all. Do we become invisible to them when we eat or what? Because they sure as hell treat us like that. Is there any person normal here other than me? I would have said Namjoon but he changed my mind by spilling his drink. Twice. How does he even do that? Isn't there any limit to clumsiness?


Filler chapter... It's about to go down in the next one... 😉

The Little Devil (Sope) ✓Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz