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[No one's P.O.V.]

Once they were all done with stuffing their tummies, the boys started shuffling around to get the food down since they ate like pigs. When they were finally settled again, Jimin decided that it was time for the finale since the sun had went down as well to add to the effect.

"Let's play truth and dare."

Taehyung felt a tug in his chest as soon as the worlds rolled off of Jimin's tongue and he gulped darting his eyes around to see others' reactions. Was he really going to do what he said he would do?

Hoseok widened his eyes and immediately gripped on Yoongi's arm. In no way did it seem appealing to the couple since they knew Jimin well and this game was one that would give him tons of chances to mess around.

The oldest couple although felt no threat, it was still obvious to them that nothing good would come in the end if Jimin was allowed to play with them.

Having all the players doubting to agree was expected so Jimin played the failing-in-hiding-the-inner-hurt card on them- on Jin, to be precise. The prey went after the bait when he saw the change in the shorter boy's facial expressions but before he could say anything Jimin looked at him and flashed him a slightly pained smile to add to the effect. Namjoon saw what was happening but he knew better than to butt in right now and put his own relationship in jeopardy so he just rolled his eyes knowing well that Jimin saw him.

Meanwhile Jin became soft for the spawn of Satan and told himself to step in if things started to get out of control. He was going to make them all play whether they wanted to or not. Jimin was their friend after all.

"Sure. Get a bottle, Jimin."

Jimin grinned as he jumped up and ran out of the room to grab a bottle from the refrigerator. As soon as he stepped out of the room, Hoseok was quick to complain.

"But I don't want to play with him. You know well how-"

Jin knew what was going on in Hoseok's head but he was feeling bad for Jimin's loneliness so he was taking side of the troublemaker.

"We had a little talk already. It's just a game. No more buts. That goes for the rest of you too."

He was just in time to get his final words out because just then Jimin came in and plopped on his butt next to Yoongi, as expected. Hoseok pressed his lips as he gave one last worried look to Jin who only returned a reassuring smile.

The rest of them huddled up closer to form a proper circle and got ready to play.

Before they started Jimin made an important announcement.

"You can't always pick truth or dare, okay? If anyone does it three times in a row we all get to decide a penalty for him. What do you say?"

The idea didn't sound bad so everyone nodded in agreement expecting to start now but Jimin had another one to make.

"Also, if you are asked a question after choosing truth nobody will ask for an explanation of the answer unless it was asked in the question already. We only ask one question, not multiple. That ruins the fun."

This was clearly a danger alert which made the rest a little suspicious of Jimin but the said male didn't care as he just smiled at them casually after which the bottle was spun by Jimin. It landed on Namjoon and the boys stared at him with curiosity as Jimin asked.

"Truth or dare, hyung?"

Namjoon didn't miss a single beat as he replied.


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