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[Hobi's POV]

It's just two days away now. The cursed weekend. I don't why am I feeling so anxious. May be it's just how Jimin has made me now. I wish I had never given him a chance from the first time and I might have been living peacefully now. But I didn't. I played along when he first tried to trick me and then it became a routine. I couldn't play along anymore because he wouldn't just joke around. He would literally cross the line and made sure I got exactly what he wanted me to get.

I was busy in my thoughts when familiar voices of our maknae couple brought me out of my world.

What the hell were they doing?

"You like it don't you, daddy? When I clench around your hard di-"

I shut my ears as tight as I could. Why did we have to come here today when these two were horny as fuck? I can't believe they are kids. What happened to my innocent babies who used to be cute and shy? These hormonal teenagers wanting to go at it like rabbits are not my Taekook.

"Such a dirty little slut you are, baby boy."

Oh for fuck's sake, how long will Yoongi take to get it over with? I want to leave. I can't listen to their private discussion that they don't planning on keeping private. Do they even know we are here? I mean I'm literally sitting right outside their room.

"We are staying here for a few hours until Namjoon arrives. He said he's stuck in traffic so it might take him an extra hour."

I jerk my head up when I hear my boyfriend's words and I suppose he has seen the look on my face which is probably still there which is why he looks at me, concerned. I don't have anything to say to that. What can I say? We came for Joon and he has yet to arrive. We don't really have any other option than to wait. Why did Yoongi have to discuss his song today of all days? Why not tomorrow, or any other day? Or somewhere other than here? Just-

"Looks like someone's heat is getting out of control."

He comments as he stands close to me and I can't control the groan that leaves my lips.

"Someone make them stop. My ears are about to bleed from their words."

"..And then I will take you raw, slamming in your tight little hole.."

"I want to feel your fingers inside of me. Fuck me already, Daddy."

"No touching yourself baby boy. You know the rules. Ugh. So needy for me."

Yoongi quirked his eyebrow as he glanced at the door, the voices coming from behind it getting huskier now. I don't know if I'll be able to stay alive for long if I stayed here.


I squeak like an injured kitten and he removes his eyes from the hellish door to look at me, lovingly.

"What is it, baby?"

I don't realize I'm pouting and my lower lip is quivering until he points it out. With a kiss.

"I love it when you pout like that."

I blink at him before scowling a bit trying to ignore my blush. How can he be so calm with that background?

[Yoongi's POV]

"Y-yoongi, I'm serious. I can't listen to them anymore."

I grin slightly as he blushes but still tries to look angry. I know what he's going through, though. Those little shits need to learn a thing or two about keeping it private. I guess they are purposely doing it since they know we're here.

I unintentionally shake my head at their childish thought and-

"..I'm gonna ride you till I die, daddy."

That's it. I've had it. I'm gonna teach them a lesson so good-

"Where are you going?"

I'm stopped in my tracks as my hand gets grabbed by my boyfriend who seems to be aware of my intentions but I answer him anyway.

"To tell them to fuck already and get it over with. Their foreplay is taking too long and it's annoying me. "

He shakes his head and stands in front of me.

"Don't. They are kids. You'll hurt them."

I smirk as I purposely give a twisted answer just to irk him.

"I'm not going to fuck them."

And he shrieks.


How cute. I laugh softly and he hits my arm.

"Sorry. But I know you know someone's gotta tell them."

He shakes his head again holding on tightly onto my wrist.

"No. Leave it. Let's just go home. We can come back when Joon is here."

I take one more glance at the door as moaning starts and take in a deep breath. Before I can even think of anything, Hobi pecks my lips making me slowly move my head towards him and he's flushed red already.


How long has he been my boyfriend and yet small things like these fluster him so much.

"Why so shy?"

I can't help but tease him as my free hand slips around his waist and he immediately looks around cautiously.

"Y-yoongi. Not- not here. What if they come out a-and see us?"

Just look at him. How can I 'not here' when he's looking so kissable like that? Plus it's successfully keeping him distracted from the activities going on behind that door so I don't think I should stop.

I pull him with me on to the couch and take him on my lap before digging in his neck.

"Mmnh hyung~"

Even though he tries to resist pushing his palms slightly on my chest, his body is saying otherwise.


I whisper in his ear before sucking on the spot on his neck where I was kissing just now and he throws his head back.

"Nngg Y-yoo-"

I move my hands to the hem of his shirt slowly trailing down and then putting them under the fabric but he holds them to stop me.

"Kids will see."

'Kids?' Yeah right! Anyways, I don't think they will have any time since they'll be eating each other out so that's not an issue.

"You seem more excited than resistant baby. You sure this isn't a new kink, hm? Fear of getting caught is giving you thrills isn't it?"

I ask him as I lay him on the couch and get on top of him kissing him deeply. The way he fists my collar and tugs on it surely says a lot despite his fear and it turns me on so badly.

"It's not a kink. It's because it's you."

This time I succeed in getting my hands to reach his nipples and he shivers.

"H-hyu mmhh T- they'll see us."

I can't stop now.

"Let them."

And I grind down on him making him moan out sinfully again.


The Little Devil (Sope) ✓Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang