Drawing Tablet

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tis the double update, since it continues right where we left off :))

Pink pouted, puffing up her cheeks. "Watchu meeean? I'm not the one who insisted on joining you guys, blame that on Hosuh."

The boy's brain retracted for a second. "...That's right."

His head immediately snapped back to me in a horror-movie way. "Why'd you steal my knife?"

"Whu- what?!" I whisper-yelled, gawking at him absurdly. "What are you talking about?"

He angled his head sideways in an almost aristocratic manner. "I'm, talking about you stealing Stephen's knife. Where'd you put it, huh?"

I scrunched my eyes in confusion as I tried to figure out if he was joking or not, unsure of what to think of as I took in the signature cocky tone in his voice and the intense stare directed at me.

"Uhm," I studied Stephen for another quick second, deciding that he was not joking. It was almost scary how the psychopath managed to accuse three people of stealing his knife in a span of less than 20 seconds.

"It wasn't me," I sputtered out, tongue in knots as an unreadable glint in his eyes flashed a lighter hue in contrast to the dark violet.

"Yes it was."


"Can I have my drawing tablet?"

"Shut up."

"Stephen, you can't..." My voice faltered as I noticed movement of flamingo out of the corner of my eyes, and turned my head to look at the small child.

She didn't say anything as she lifted her chin from her palm, hopping back down to the ground with a glare and a pout directed Stephen's way.

Her ponytails flew in the air a little before swooping away.

The grape next to me went back to rummaging through his backpack. "I swear to God, Hosuh, if my knife's not here you'll be very very - aAgH"

And those were his last words before getting whacked in the face by a small, dirt-caked shoe.

Deja vu?

I don't even know at this point. But either way, I couldn't help but laugh.

"Hah!" The girl beamed a toothy grin, her bubblegum pink tails jumping with her as she popped back up again. "Take that, you loser of a father!"

"I am not your father," Stephen groaned as he rubbed his face.

"Luke, I am your father... haha." Pink ducked down a little on the stairs to grab something. She looked back up with another tiny shoe in her hand, and threw that one at Stephen as well. "When can I have a sister?"

Stephen chucked both miniature vans back at her, aiming to hit the child but doing so unsuccessfully. "Never!"

Pink let out a huff. "I wasn't asking you. When can I have a sister?"

"Never." Stephen deadpanned. Another shoe was thrown his way as I just sat there, watching.

Maybe I could slowly shuffle away and get out of here without them noticing.

They seemed really preoccupied in their... conversation? Would unknown references and shoe-throwing be counted as conversation?

"I said I wasn't asking you, so shut up Stephen." Pink replied with a teasing, heart-melting grin, coming up to sit properly on the bed with legs crossed over each other.

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