Steering Wheel

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oh my lord
thank you so much for 4k reads, guys! i was expecting this book to have only 10 reads at most

i'm so thankful for all of you, you guys really put a smile to my face. i really wanna dedicate more time for an actual thank-you, but im not trying to hold you up or anything
(and im also really bad at these)

so thank you thank you thank you 💖💖💖💖💖

I sat at the top bed of the trailer, digging through the few contents of the plastic bag to pass the time. My feet were already cold without my shoes. Even with fuzzy socks on.

I knew there was still some food in the bag somewhere, and that's what I was looking for.

After finding what I was looking for, - a glossy green apple - I leaned back on the metal wall behind me and stretched my legs out.

I looked out the window besides me as I bit into the apple. It gave me a perfect view of the garage door I exited out of the house through.

When are those three coming? It shouldn't have taken them long.

At that exact moment, the garage door was slammed open by Dan.

A wave of relief flashed through me.

Took 'em long enough.

The mint-haired leprechaun was half-dragging a defeated Jay around like a toddler, with Stephen behind the two to assure Jay didn't escape and bolt out of there.

I chuckled dryly.

They all had their boots on and Stephen was clutching onto my pair of converse, just as promised.

When the purple boy's gaze locked on mine through the window, he raised my shoes and grinned.

I smiled, hiding my warm face by ducking my head back to the apple.

I grabbed the car keys next to me and unlocked the trailer for them.

"Hello!" Jay waved at me, practically being carried in the green boy's arms. "The zombie's still chewing at the door helplessly."

"Go to your bed, Jay," Dan orders, letting go of the sociopath. "Gods."

Stephen used the driver's door of the trailer to get in. "Stephen can drive the car for now," he grins. "But we'll have to take turns."

"Oh, also," the lilac haired boy turned in his seat, waving my shoes around. "I got the shoes for you, Hos. Catch!"

The grape-head flung the shoes towards my head, and my eyes widened.

Bobbing my head just in time, a bang resonated as the shoes hit the metal wall behind me.

"Oh no," Stephen smirks.

"That almost hit me, but thanks," I rolled my eyes, slipping the converse on my feet.

"Can I go to sleep?" Jay asked, adding himself in the convo and gesturing to the bunk beds.

Dan shrugged. "Be my guest."

The boy whooped.

With that, the strawberry blonde threw himself at the bunk, climbing up to the top bed and face-planting in the covers.

A wave of stillness hung around after that. The tapping of Stephen's foot and the chewing of my apple were the only sounds in the air.

"Can you pass me an apple?" Dan broke the silence, pointing the bag.

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