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look at thaaaat, i updated on a wednesday

"Hosuh!" I was greeted by Jay in the hallways. "Dan and I were gonna eat at the McDonald's across the road, wanna come with?"

"I don't have money on me right now," I laughed nervously. "And I don't wanna seem like a third wheel..."

"You can bring Stephen if you want," Jay shrugged. "Dan is gonna pay for all of us anyways."

"What did you just say I paying for?" Dan popped up out of nowhere. "I did not agree to anything."

Jay scoffed. "You're paying for our lunches. I'll pay next time, so don't freak out."

Dan looked like he was about to say something, but then just shrugged. "As long as you pay next time, then fine."

"Great, I'll go get Stephen," I smiled. "Are we all going together, or do you guys wanna meet up there?..."

"We'll come with," Dan agreed.

"Let's go get Stephen!" Jay exclaimed.

When we finally found Stephen - who was outside in the freezing cold, - we had already wasted 10 minutes of lunch break.

"Buenos Dias," Stephen greeted us, stroking a wild rabbit in his lap.

"...Stephen, what are you doing?" I questioned, staring down at the sitting idiot.

"I'm petting a bunny," Stephen shrugged.

"How did you even manage to catch it?" Dan said incredulously. "You know it could have rabies, right?"

Jay kneeled down to pet the rabbit. "Hi bunny."

"I love this bunny," Stephen mumbled. "I'm keeping it forever and ever."

"Stephen, how did you catch it?" I questioned warily.

"What do you think I spent 10 minutes doing?" Stephen snorted. "I chased it."

I looked at the rabbit, whose chest was heaving rapidly in fear. "Oh my gosh..."

"Alright, leave the rabbit alone," Dan sighed. "Let's go eat."

"It's like, minus 20 degrees outside. The rabbit could die!" Stephen argued. "And it loves me!"

"Stephen, first of all," I responded, "The rabbit will most likely have a heart attack and die because of you, not because of the cold. And it's probably got rabies too. Lunch break is almost over and we still need to go get to McDonald's, -"

"But it loves me," Stephen argued. "I'm keeping him. Or her, I don't know."

"You should keep it," Jay agreed. "Maybe we could eat your bunny instead of yucky McDonald's."

Jay got whacked on the head. "No!"

"No one's eating anyone," Dan interrupted. "We are going to let the rabbit go, and I don't want to hear any complaints."

"No thanks, mom," Stephen snorted, with him and Jay still petting the rabbit. "This bunny stays with me. And I'm calling it Spheten."

He turns his attention towards the rabbit, scratching its cheek. "Hi Spheten," he said in a sweeter voice. "Hi!"

With that, he hugs the rabbit a bit closer to his chest.

"What kind of name is Spheten?" I ask.

"A good one," Stephen sniffs.

"Oh, please," Dan rolls his eyes. "Switching up letters of your name? How original."

"Just let him keep the rabbit," Jay speaks up. "It's not like it's gonna be our fault for him getting herpes."

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