Untitled Part 18

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this chapter is shorter but i'm tired _-_

"Get this," Dan says, his eyes scanning the announcement on his phone. "That place the little girl escaped from, all the nurses and doctors that got bitten? They're still not fully infected."

"What's that supposed to mean?" Stephen asked.

"They haven't completely become zombies yet," Dan replies in thought.

"So..." I bead my eyes. "This virus isn't instant?"

"Yeah," Dan glances from his phone for a second. "They're trying to see if they can "undo" the virus before it gets them turned into total zombies."

"Like that'll work," Jay snorted.

"So then how long does it take to fully be zombified?" I wonder.

"Around..." Dan reads over his phone. "36 hours? That's what the estimate says."

"Lemme see," Stephen snatches the phone, squinting his eyes faintly as he skims over the article.

"Hey!" Dan argues. "Give me that back!"

"Oh, shush, Daniel," Stephen grins at the phone as he reads off of it. "It's not a big deal."

Dan grumbles something incoherent.

"It also says that a service dog that was also bitten shows no sign of being affected by the virus," Stephen noted, his knee bouncing up and down.

"So then that's major evidence that animals are pretty much invincible to the disease, right?" Jay pointed out.

"I mean, technically just dogs," I fiddle with the drawing pencil, drawing random doodles on my tablet. "We don't really know about other animals..."

"If dogs can't get it, then other animals are probably not gonna get it either, though, no?"
Stephen tilted his head, gazing at me.

"Uh, I guess," I say, although I can't shake off the worry.

"Anyways!" Stephen throws the phone back at Dan, who catches it perfectly. "What do you guys wanna do? I'm bored."

"I relate to that statement," Jay nods his head, stretching his arms. "Let's do something!"

"Would it be safe to go outside?" I ask, mindlessly drawing a picture of a goose. "There's only a handful of them."

"We could chill in the backyard," Dan agrees. "I think it'd be okay."

"Let's go, then," Jay jumps to his feet. "We could make a camp fire!"

With that, he runs out of the room.

"Aye, no campfires!" Stephen yells, getting up after him. "Remember what happened last time I gave you a match?"

"...What did happen?" I wonder, trying to block out Jay's and Stephen's screams.

"I think Jay almost burned down his kitchen," Dan answered.

"Should we... Chase after them?" I question.

"Mm, nah," Dan said, laying down on Stephen's bed. "Let's make those two nasties wait."

So I agreed, sitting back down on the chair, adding a little purple mohawk to the goose I was drawing.

When Dan and I finally got our shoes on and made our way outside, Jay and Stephen were wrestling in the snow.

"Hey!" Dan yelled, a little amusement slipping in his tone. "Break it up!"

I couldn't help but let out a little laugh at the sight.

"Hah!" Jay smirked, on top of a flushed Stephen. "I win!"

Stephen grunted, jolting up and head-butting Jay. The blondie fell back in the snow with an "umphh!"

As Jay whined, rolling in the snow and clutching his forehead, Stephen got up and brushed himself off. He was wearing a victorious grin on his face. "That's what you get for the camp fire!"

"He actually made a camp fire?" I stared at the groaning Jay.

"Well, no," Stephen flushed, "but he was going to."

"No, I wasn't!"

"Yes, you were!"



"Break it up!" Dan hollered. "Break it up!"

As Jay got to his feet, he stumbled over the snow and fell on his face, causing Stephen to start breaking into his fits of loud laughter.

My face stretched into a huge smile.

Dan laughed, jogging over to the whining Jay to help him up.

"You guys wanna build a snowman?" Stephen gave a dopey grin, his cheeks already red from the cold.

His bright orange toque stood out almost as much as his purple mohawk.

"This snow is so powdery," I kicked at the cold, white dust. "I don't think we'll be able to make anything out of it."

"Snowball fight?" Stephen suggested. "I know we need sticky snow for it, but it might still work."

"I'm up for it," Jay appeared next to me, a forming bruise on his forehead. "Stephen and Hosuh VS Dan and Jay?"

"Sounds good," Dan shrugs.

"Sure," I agree.

"Alright!" Stephen bounced on the balls of his feet. "That side's yours, this side's ours." With that, he took me by the hand and pulled me towards our side of the backyard. "Let's go, Hos!"

My face tinted pink.

"We have 10 minutes to build a fort!" Stephen yells to the other team. "Go!"

Stephen and I got to building our fort, which was pretty hard with the consistency of the snow.

We had decided to make it a thick, high line of snow we could shield ourselves with.

It was pretty much looking like a snow wall.

When we had finished, I figured we still had a few minutes left. With those spare minutes, Stephen and I thought of a team name.

"Stephen and the other irrelevant guy?" Stephen suggested, smirking into my eyes.

"How 'bout 'Hosuh and the narcissist?'" I fired back, grinning.

The grape-head leaned closer, a challenging look on his face. "How about just 'Stephen'?"

I stared harder. "The best and the loser."

Our foreheads are almost touching as Stephen grins wider. "The apocalypse survivor and the wimp?"

My gaze doesn't falter. "Oh yeah? How does 'The cutie and the idiot' sound?"

"Y'know what, I like that." Stephen's eyes glint as they stared into mine.

"Yeah?" I raised an eyebrow.

"Yeah," he smirked. "Cutie suits you."

I flushed red, jolting away from him.

He did not just say that.

"Shut up!" I hiss, feeling my face heat up.

Stephen grins harder, leaning closer and inspecting me. "Oh my god, Hosuh, you're so red!"

I stammer, shoving him.

"Time's up, lovebirds!" Dan screams, making me jump. "Save the kissing for later!"

I blush even harder, my face fiery.

"We will," Stephen yells back, smirking. "Right, Hosuh?"


poor hosuh ;-;

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