Mind Craft

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"Whatcha doing?" I plopped down on the spot next to Stephen, making him jump out of skin.

"Don't do that to people, Hosuh!" He hissed, looking away from the laptop to glare at me. "You nearly gave me a heart attack!"

"Yeah, right," I grinned, rolling my eyes. "Whatcha doing?"

Stephen shook his head, trying to hide a small smile as he turned back to his laptop. "Minecraft."

"What's mind craft?" I questioned, peering at the screen of the laptop.

Stephen gasped dramatically, turning his body towards me. "Don't tell me you don't know what Minecraft is, you boomer!"

"Shut up," I respond, shoving him. "At least I know that apples exist in Korea."

Stephen cackled lightly in response.

"So what's Mindcraft?" I insist, pointing at the blocky landscape on Stephen's laptop.

"It's basically a video game," he responds, shrugging. "You make stuff by destroying stuff and try not to get killed."

"Looks childish to me," I said, watching Stephen repeatedly swing at a block pig.

"Yeah, well, it's not, Hosuh," he barked like the furry he is. "Lots of people play it. Even Pewdiepie."

"Pewdiepie?" I questioned, cocking my head. "What's that?"

"Oh my god, Hosuh," Stephen groaned, dropping his head on the screen of laptop. "Have you been living under a rock or something?"

"But I'm not Patrick."

Another groan escaped the idiot. "Look, just, what're you even here for?"

I shrugged. "Jay and Dan are up to something upstairs again, I have nothing to do. Except bother you."

Stephen wrinkles his nose. "They always seem to be up to something... I'm gonna go check on them."

I beaded my eyes. "Daniel told me not to interrupt them. I think that means that they don't wanna be interrupted."

Stephen got up from the bed anyways. "Do I look like I care?" He grinned towards my direction. "I'm checking on them anyways."

I shrugged. "Sure. Can I play that mindy craft thing then, while you're gone?"

Stephen glared at me. "Only until I come back. If you die, I'll choke you."

"Sounds good," I grinned nervously, snatching the laptop. "See you then."

Stephen snorted as a farewell, exiting out the door.

"Oh, and, by the way," he poked his head through the door again, "Don't you dare even touch, my diamond sword."

With that, he left, leaving me confused about what he just said.

Diamond sword?

Less than a minute later, Stephen came back, slightly grinning with a frisky glint in his eyes.

"How did it go?" I asked, not looking up from the laptop. I was busy trying to attack a tree (key word: trying).

"Caught them kissing," he said nonchalantly. "No big deal."

My eyes bugged out of my skull as I looked up at him. "Kissing?" I gasped, my jaw dropping open. "WHat?"

Stephen raised an eyebrow. "What, you homophobic or something?"

"No, no, nothing like that," I stammered. "Just, Jay? And Dan? ....And you're not even surprised? How did it even happen? What the heck?"

Stephen gave a little shrug. "Oh, I knew about it for a long time. I just wanted to catch them in the act."

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