Bed Hog

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well this is a little fluffier than most recent chapters so yay! o<o

An hour passed by in a blur.

At one point, we were on the move again, and I think there was a time everyone was screaming their heads off, but I was too absorbed in my drawing tablet and perfecting the other eye to look up and see what was going on.

It only felt like a minute, but the next thing I knew, Stephen had sneak-attacked and jumped on the bed out of nowhere and gave me a heart attack. Stifling a yell, I threw my drawing pen at him instinctively.

"It's been an hour already Hosuh," Stephen said with a groan, voice muffled since his face was buried in the mattress. "What the hell are you doing that's so interesting."

I pick up my drawing pen from the blankets, face red from embarrassment. "I'm drawing."

"Can I see?" He drags his head up from the bed.

I immediately shook my head no, bringing the drawing tablet closer to my chest and looking back down to the screen.

Stephen frowns, but manages a narcissistic shrug. "Fine, be like that. It's not like I even want to see it that bad, so get wrekt."

It goes back to quiet. I zoom in on a part of my drawing and re-trace some of the more shakier lines, a song playing in my head. I bopped along slightly.

"Urgh, I'm bored." The purple-haired boy breaks the silence. "Stephen, Stephen, Stephen Stephen."

He shuffles around in the bed a little, getting under the blankets in the process and digging his head in the pillow.

Taking up the while bed and leaning a little my way, his weight pressed on my side, and if it weren't for the rails on the side of the bed, I'd have fallen off.

I grumbled under my breath, a little pissed at the bed hog, as the metal rails dug into my leg. The arm I was using to draw - which was very much squished - already felt numb.

Trying to ignore it, I focused back on my drawing. Stephen rolled over and stole even more blanket.

"Hosuh, move," he mumbled. "You're taking up the whole bed and I can't sleep."

My hand twitched. "Why are you even sleeping at..." I tried to guess what time it was in my head really quickly, based on the last time I was told what hour it was and the soon-to-be-setting sun. "5 o' clock?"

"Well, there's nothing better to do," he retorted, reaching over and grabbing more fabric, squeezing it in his fist. His hair was already messy from the current tossing and turning.

I was about to suggest taking another walk outside to Stephen, since it was the only thing on my mind at the moment, but I realized the trailer was driving along the road and zombies were everywhere.

I quickly looked away from the window after noticing a person halfway through zombification state, shuddering on their knees and retching on the side of the road.

The sun was starting to set.

"You're the one taking up the whole space," I subconsciously wet my lips, adding a new layer to the drawing I was working on and changing up my brush. "I literally can't move any more than this."

"Well, find a way, Hosuh," Stephen mumbled. "Cause that sounds like more of a you problem."

I let out a quiet laugh, zooming into the drawing again. "Okay..."

Stephen was quiet for a good ten minutes.

I'd actually thought he'd fallen asleep, until he stirred and stretched his arm out even more, almost knocking my drawing tablet out of my arms.

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