Oh Dear

314 17 47

hello hello!! ^<^
i baccc and i've stocked up and let's gooOO

i get anxiety whenever i publish chapters, i just realized-

Also, the next few chapiess will be based on the many comments i got suggesting ideas! If you want credit for it, just tell me and i'll add that in. I've tried to loop in every single idea somewhere, and your suggestion will roll up at one point in the whole story (unless ur too late and the book's already too far gone ;-;).

ayyye *finger guns*

also nothing miraculous happened during my two month break so my writing's still as bad as ever ahah

It was more than midnight by now, and only Dan and the child were asleep.

Jay was the one driving the trailer right now so of course he wasn't sleeping. I'd be concerned if he was.

Sipping on his Tim Hortons and watching the road, the blond was staring at the road ahead boredly. He looked dead.

I was still tossing and turning in the bed. Sleep didn't really feel like it was coming any time soon.

As for Stephen, I don't really know.

He was assigned to share beds with me, but I figured he wouldn't go to sleep until 4AM or something. Which was understandable for a night owl.

This whole rainy day, all we did was drive on, except for the few times we stopped for gas and food. We all rotated the spot for driver like how we planned to - with the exception of the small child.

Speaking of the pink-haired girl...

I was surprised she was already almost 12; the girl just had such a small frame that she basically looked like she was 8 years old. Her short pigtails didn't help her case either, along with her childish voice.

Currently, she was dozing off in Stephen's bed just like she promised us she would.

Not that it was really Stephen's bed anymore.

And Winnie, the tiny golden dog, was curled up by her head, pressed against the child's matted hair and sleeping soundly as well.

Maybe she'd moved from that position since I'd last seen them, though. 

Dan was also sleeping in his own bunk. He was nestled in his bed and only the top of his green floof peaked out from the blankets.

The car radio was put to a minimum, and I had to strain my ears to hear what it was rambling on about.

It didn't play songs.

It was almost like an informative broadcasting channel, but much more static sounding.

While Jay was driving his first shift, still during the day, Dan found this really good radio channel while he was flipping through the stations.

It only had updates on the zombie situation and it was almost frightening how fast the radio reached current news. The station would have information on the apocalypse that just came out minutes ago.

And the stupid thing just mumbled on and on about that news and information. We had all tried to change it, but Dan insisted on keeping it on.

Over the course of the hours, it kind of became like white noise. So the annoying blabbering wasn't really a problem anymore.

sherbet - a stosuh fanfictionTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon