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don't sue me this is just a filler chapter

The next day, we were doing our best to try to renovate the trailer with no resources.

"Maybe we could rip the carpet off of the floors," Jay suggested, swirling his bowl of melting ice cream with a spoon.

Stephen narrows his eyes. "Like hell you're wrecking my house."

Jay sticks the spoon of ice cream in his mouth. "Okay, sheesh, I was just joking."

"Any other ideas that don't involve ruining someone's house?" Dan asks, tapping on the table.

"I guess I have some old blankets lying around somewhere," Stephen notified, looking bored. "We could use them to make the trailer seem more comfy."

"We could bring a lot of pillows with us too," I proposed. "And plants."

"I'm not about to grow a garden in a van while we try to not get killed by zombies," Jay said blankly.

"Hey, it's better than ruining someone's carpet for a soft trailer."

Dan leaned back on his chair. "We could also add posters or something."

"Why is all of this necessary again?" Stephen clenched his jaw. "We're literally wasting time on something useless."

I raised an eyebrow.

"For your information, we might be spending the rest of our lives in that trailer," Dan answered. "Consider it our home now."

"Yeah, but it doesn't mean that we have to make it look nice or anything," the psychopath sipped his ice cream.

Jay rolled his eyes. "Yes it does. Shut up."

"Hey -!"

"We still have some time until the zombie apocalypse is gonna go crazy," I added. "So we're good."

Stephen mumbled a 'whatever'.

"The only place in the trailer that is fully yours is your bed," Dan continued. "So technically, our beds will be our rooms."

"We might also have to pack some of our stuff and move it to the trailer," I fidgeted.

"Like weapons?" Jay questioned.

Dan shook his head. "All the weapons are already in the trailer. Except for like, 2 of them."

"We're going nowhere with this," Stephen sighed. "The trailer's already good enough, and we don't even have anything to renovate it with."

I frowned. "But -"

"Shut up, Hosuh!"

i need help because i cant do this

should i time skip a week to when zombies start multiplying crazy, or just keep on stretching this story and make you wait 4 months for the actual plot?

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