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I fiddle with my fingers as Jay comes back with two Wendy's trays. Behind him, Dan was trailing along, carrying all the sodas in the special drink carrier.

All the food was placed down on the table, the small girl seated next to me swung her dangling feet in eagerness as she leaned closer.

"Where's my chicken nuggets?"

Jay looks down at one of the trays, placing them down. Without saying anything, he points to the red holder in between a burger and some napkins, and in a flash, Pink snatches her spicy nuggets.

Dan passes out all the drinks; four cokes, and one extra large orange juice.

"I heard that there's zombies spreading in Europe," the small girl piped up, swirling her coke with a straw. "A lot of them in Sweden."

Jay raises an eyebrow as he watched Stephen chug his orange juice. "How do you know that?"

Pink sniffs, sending a glare towards the sociopath. "I've been listening to that radio unlike some people. And I've actually gotten quite a lot of information from it, thank you very much."

The older boy responds with a shrug, inhaling his whole burger in seconds.

With a curios gaze towards the cashier, Pink takes a sip of her drink.

I look out the window as Dan and Stephen bicker about something. The road of the drive-thru is right in front, a black car waiting in line. Out the car window, two large dogs had their heads poking out, panting lazily and sniffing the air.

I perk up as a worrying thought hit me.

"Did we leave Winnie in the trailer?"

"...Like I'd leave Winnie alone," I hear the girl say, and I turn to look at her. She gestures beside her, where the yellow dog was pressed up against her thigh.

As if on cue, the dog let out a happy bark.

My mouth formed an 'o' as I slowly nodded and hesitantly got back to my food.

I don't think pets were even aloud here, but whatever. I shook my head in dismissal as I gulped down some fries with my drink.

When we all finished eating, the five of us got out of the Wendy's with the child and her puppy walking ahead of us.

It would definitely start raining anytime soon, based on the stormy look of the clouds above us, but the temperature itself was actually pretty nice besides that.

Looking around, I took notice of the many people bustling around.

They all looked peaceful and upbeat, not a worry etched in their faces, going on with their everyday lives.

I wondered if they even knew about the zombie thing, but as soon as the thought ran in my mind I realized that of course they did, how wouldn't they.

So for now I just assumed that they weren't thinking of the apocalypse as a real threat at the moment.

And I guess it wasn't, for them, since the virus didn't hit this town yet.

But it would pretty soon.

Probably in a matter of days.

So I was surprised either way to find that no one was panicking.

"I was thinking we could find somewhere to chill here for a little," Jay suggested, kicking a rock. "This place is pretty nice, and it doesn't look like there are any zombies here yet."

"But it's literally about to rain." Stephen stated with a dead face, to which the small child laughed at.

"Nice observation, Einstein," she chortled as her dog happily skipped onwards.

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