Snowball Fight

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"Alright, let's do this!" Jay shouts from the other side, a snowball already in hand. 

"Someone count us in!" I shout back.

"I will!" Dan volunteers.

"Then go already!" Stephen yells.

"Alright, sheesh..."

"Do it!" Stephen urges Dan.

"Okay, okay," Dan clears his throat. "Ready... Set..., -"

"GO!" Stephen interrupts impatiently, hurling a snowball towards the green-haired boy. It hits Daniel directly in the forehead, making him fall over in the snow.

"Headshot!" Stephen cheers as I laugh.

He does a little victory dance, only to be hit in the shoulder with a raging snowball.

"Take that," Jay smirks. Dan whoops, getting back up.

I grab some of the snow, quickly packing it into a snowball and flinging it to Jay.

He ducks just in time, bobbing his head down as the ball of snow hits the wooden fence with a loud thwack.

"Eat this!" I hear Stephen yell, but I'm too busy dodging a snowball thrown at me.

I throw a ball towards Dan, and he dodges, only to slip and fall.

Stephen and I laugh at the heap of green. Dan really is prone to injuries today.

I'm too busy cackling at my fallen friend to notice a ball of snow hurling right at me.

It hits me right in the nose, but the cold, stinging pain is gone as soon as it starts.

Looking up, I lock eyes with a grinning Jay. He has another snowball in his hand, and I barely manage to dodge the other as he flings it in my direction.

Picking up snow, I swing my arm back and catapult it to Jay.

The snowball misses its target.

Man, I suck at throwing.

"Uh, new plan," I stammer to Stephen, hiding behind the fort. "I'll make the snowballs and you throw them."

"Sure," Stephen shrugs, ducking as another snowball almost hits him.

"Okay," I say, packing the powdery snow into balls. It would be better if the snow was denser, but it's still better than having no snow.

Looking up once in a while, I see Stephen sprawled on the ground as Dan cheers with his hands in the air.

I laugh only for a moment before chucking a snowball towards Dan, aiming in the chest.

Sure enough, the ball hits its goal.

"Let's go!" I whoop as Stephen gets to his feet. Dan swings a snowball my way, and I duck behind the fort again.

I get back to making snowballs, occasionally ducking and throwing some as well. Stephen pops in from time to time, whether it's to steal some balls or to get cover.

This time, he hangs around longer, catching his breath.

Backs against the frozen snow, our exhales coming out as white puffs, I watch as Stephen  breathes heavily.

His toque is coated in snow, as well as his jacket and gloves.

"You good?" I nudge his side. "I can take over for a little if you want."

Stephen shakes his head. "No, it's fine, -"

I get up, brushing off my pants and jumping over the fort.

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