Taeki Take-Out

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around 1 week later lol

"Truth or Dare, Hosuh?" Stephen asks, spinning himself on the rolling chair as he does so.

We were all at Jay's place, having the usual Saturday night with the boys. Sitting in random places of Jay's room, everything was peaceful as we played a mellow game of Truth or Dare.


"Finally!" Jay dramatically announces, raising his hands in the air. "I was sure you'd never choose a dare in your life!"

"Get on with it," I say, rubbing my eye. "Dare."

"Alright then," Stephen stops spinning on the chair, leaning forwards a little. He grins mischievously, a glint in his eyes. "I dare you to order pizza from a Chinese Restaurant."

I faltered in confusion.

"But - they don't sell pizza," I trail off, looking away. "Oh! That's the point, isn't it?"

"I swear, Hosuh, you're so dumb sometimes," Dan laughs.

"But how am I supposed to - Oh right. Through phone."

I look down. How am I supposed to do this without them getting suspicious?

"Alright, Stephen, I'll do it, but I'll need your phone," I looked back up at him. He was currently on the rolling chair, posing in a weird position with his head thrown up at the ceiling.

He turned his head towards me, meeting my gaze.

"Why not your phone?" He complained, although he was already fishing his phone from his pocket.

"Cause," I tried for a logical reason. "I, uh, don't wanna be tracked down for the prank."

Stephen's eyes bugged out slightly. "And you're letting me get in trouble? That's not fair!"

I closed my eyes and shrugged, smiling. "You're the one who dared me to do it anyways."

I sat up from the position I was in on Jay's bed, holding my hands out. Grumbling, he threw the phone across the room.

I barely caught it.

Dan willed himself to sit up as well. "Go faster, I'm getting bored."

I searched up a random Chinese take-out on Google, and pressed on the first one showing up.

"It's called Taeki Take-Out," I informed them. "Phone number is: 403, 55 -"

"Just get on with it!" Jay urged.

"Sheesh," I mumbled, pressing on the phone number and switching the call to speaker so all of us can hear.

"There," I nervously chuckled, the phone loudly beeping. "Now we gotta wait."

As soon as I said that, the phone call was answered. "Hello, dis is Taeki Take-Out," a highly accented voice started. "Hau mey I help you todey?"

I looked towards the 3 of my friends. Stephen was leaning in, his hands clasped together. Dan looked almost bored, with his eyelids drooping, half-shut. Jay was staring intently at the phone.

"Hi, uh, can I order a pizza?" I said into the phone, biting my lip.

"I'm sorry, I can't heer yu, wuat?"

"I'd like to order a pizza," I said, louder this time.

Giggling and snorting was heard from Jay and Stephen. Dan smirked, pressing his palms together and leaning closer.

sherbet - a stosuh fanfictionOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora