911 (and hickeys)

963 44 95

i apologize in advance

"Hosuh, try this!" Stephen stuffs cotton candy in my mouth. "It literally dissolves in your mouth!"

"It's cotton candy, Stephen," I say. Dan laughs.

"I've never had anything this good before," Jay agrees, taking a huge bite out of his own blue cotton candy.

"And look!" Stephen exclaims, pointing to an old, scary house in the distance. "They have a haunted house thing! Can we go?"

"You sound like a child," Dan laughs, but agrees anyways.

"Yes, let's go to the haunted house thingy," Jay nods as we start walking.

"Faster, you slowpokes!" Stephen grabs me by my arm with such force that I almost topple over. "You're gonna be my buddy, okay?" Stephen asks, running. I'm dragged by him towards the haunted house.

"Er, I don't know?"

Stephen keeps running with me. "What do you mean, you don't know? It's gonna be fun!"

"I might actually, sit this one out...?"

"Aw, c'mon Hosuh," Stephen stops running, turning to me with a pouty look on his face. "Pleaseeee..."

I look away, feeling guilty. "I'll get nightmares for months, I -"

I was cut off by a scream.

I jumped at the sound, the hairs on my back rising.

Stephen and I turn our heads towards the sound as Jay and Daniel rushed up to us.

"What the heck was that?" Dan asks.

I scan the area.

An immense crowd was gathering. Some people were rushing in closer to the commotion, others were frozen in place, others were inching away.

I turned to look at Stephen, who had a troubling expression on his face.

I look away.

"What's going on?" I mutter to myself, striding towards the group of people as Stephen follows in suit.

I lost Stephen as I squeezed through the large crowd. Due to my somewhat smaller frame, it was easier for me to get closer to the commotion.

What I saw when I reached the middle of the circle made me gasp.

the rest of the story will have just a bit of grossness frequently. if you wanna skip, i'll catch you up at the end :)

In the crowd, a little girl was kneeling, sobs shuddering through her body as she threw up crimson-red vomit. Tears were forcing themselves out of her eyes, her grimy hands scratched from clawing the ground.

I rushed over, kneeling next to her. "Are you okay?" I frantically asked, fiddling for my phone. "Where are your parents?"

The girl sobs, red blood dribbling out of her mouth again. "I don' -" hiccup, " -t know. I l-lost the-em."

"Siri, call 911," I demanded at my phone, glancing at the girl. Her pupils seemed to be turning murkier and murkier by the second, a whitish kind of colour.

"Calling 911," my robotic assistant responds, followed by 2 long beeps.

"911, what's your emergency?"

"A child is vomiting blood, her eyes are turning murky... her breathing is getting more raggedy now..."

"All right, sir, please stay on the line, where are you right now?"

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