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"Is passing spelled passing or passing?"


"That doesn't really help me, y'know."

The cold bit.

Rain was starting to lessen, bright sunlight peeking through clouds. There was faint roaring from the skies as military helicopters flew ahead. The girl paused her chatting to smile as she looked up at them, dull metal of her hammer hitting against her leg.

Looking at the helicopters was kind of nice, bringing a comforting feeling. Knowing that the government was trying to take care of things.

Maybe it was a little too late, but the thought of them trying was what mattered. It's not like I'd put hope in them, when things have gotten this out of hand.

I'm not blaming them or anything, they didn't want an apocalypse to happen. I'm just saying that they came to help a little too late.

Although as comforting as the military was, it also felt a little horrifying too, getting the affirmation that it was so dangerous.

I kept reassuring myself, thinking that it was going to be fine. The helicopters in the distance defeated that thought.

Cause obviously, that wasn't the case. Nothing was going to be fine now; it wasn't going back to normal.

The government wasn't going to completely get rid of all the zombies by now. The ones left would just infect other people over time, and soon, the numbers would go back to being high and the zombies would turn savage shortly.

I assumed the infected ones around us right now would turn savage soon enough too. Weren't most due in just a few days now? An involuntary shiver ran up my spine as I thought about it; that was when the world would really turn into chaos.

The pink girl next to me stomps right into a puddle, causing it to splash onto her leggings and my shoes. It was just a few drops on me, so I dismiss it without a reaction.

My cheeks were already stinging from the cold, pins and needles attacking my feet every time I stepped. Whenever wind blew harder I'd tense into myself even more, as if it were a way to help keep myself warm.

The two boys in the empty patch of concrete behind the store were becoming easier to see as we walked closer.

Jay was currently busy with trying to trip Stephen while the other shouted out profanities. I didn't miss the knife in Stephen's hand, and if it weren't Jay, I'd be concerned for the other person.

With a swing at the narcissist's legs and a final push, Stephen went down for the second time that day, conveniently falling in a muddy puddle. The dramatic waving arms and everything.

His profanities were cut off with a surprised gasp I could hear all the way from where I was, and a laugh rising from my throat was muffled with my sleeve.

Dan burst out in cackles. The purple boy snapped his head accusingly at us. His glare was threatening but seemingly not threatening enough.

Ann let out a laugh too when Jay started faking surprise. 


Stephen ignores him with a grumble, looking down and shifting his arms to hoist himself up. Halfway, his foot flies forwards from under him and he falls in the puddle again, making an even bigger splash and getting his clothes even more wet.

"Are you okay?" I ask as we reach him, trying to swallow down my laughter. Ann was giggling in her hand.

Extending my hand to help the boy up as he utters a sarcastic "sure", he clasps it, and I notice how cold they are - probably because of staying out in the freezing weather so long. I almost fall over with him when he slips again. The ravaging butterflies in my gut don't help either.

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