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It wasn't too long into the movie until Jay fell asleep, snoring away practically on top of Daniel.

For a quick second, Dan catches his breath, looking at Jay.  He seemed angelic, almost, in his sleep. He would breathe in through his mouth, and exhale through his nose rapidly, which Dan found really cute. Ish.

He felt his face heat up as Jay moved closer to Dan in his sleep, hugging Dan tightly like a teddy bear.

There wasn't much Dan could do about it, so he just accepted the warm and cuddly embrace. He could feel himself relaxing in the position. It was quite nice.

He wasn't complaining.

They were watching the Titanic, and Hosuh could be heard sniffling once in a while.

Daniel himself was just about to fall asleep as well when he was awoken by loud bawling coming from Stephen.

"Shut the fuck up, dude," Daniel hisses, kicking the crying Stephen in the shin. "Some of us are trying to sleep."

Hosuh peered over at the cuddling boys, and smiled. "I can see that."

More sobbing from Stephen.

The scene of Jack's death was coming up. Dan could barely keep his eyes open, his fingers fiddling with Jay's soft hair.

As the Titanic theme song played, the soft tune lulled Dan into sleep once more as Stephen wailed a river.

"I didn't know you were soft for Titanic?" Hosuh questioned, a smile lingering on his lips.

Hosuh's eyes were just a tad bit watery, a silent tear fell down his cheek at one point in the movie, but he was nowhere as emotional as Stepen at the moment.

"I'm not," Stepen argues as he wails loudly. Tears pour down his cheeks, building up at his chin and dropping to the floor.

"Uh-huh," Hosuh smirks. "Keep telling yourself that."

"I just, I don't get why they both couldn't fit," Stephen weeps, holding his middle finger up at the TV through blurry tears. "Eff you, Rose!"

Hosuh laughs. "The piece of wood would flip over, dum dum."

Stephen suddenly halts his crying completely. Silence is met between both boys as Stephen processes the idea over.

Stephen whips his head abruptly, turning to meet Hosuh's innocent face. There's still a trace of a smile on Hosuh's lips as Stephen responds. "Hosuh you're a fuckin genius."

Hosuh blushes. "The whole concept just doesn't make sense anyways."

The movie slowly comes to an end, and as the roll credits come on, Stephen turns to Hosuh. He had stopped crying by now, and had a mischievous glint in his eyes.

"Wanna prank Daniel and Jay?" Stephen inches closer to Hosuh's face. They're so close to each other, Hosuh can clearly see the other boy's tear streaks.

The shorter boy flushed. "But they're our friends?"

"Even better," Stephen grinned. 

Before Hosuh could react, he was hauled to his feet by Stepen.

"Get whipping cream and tape from the kitchen," the purple haired male ordered quietly, snapping his fingers.

"Yessir," Hosuh grins and rushes into the room across.

Soon, Hosuh got back with the needed materials.

"There," the grey haired male sighs, plopping the tape and whipped cream on the couch.

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