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fyi pandan is a kind of plant and it's also an ice cream flavour

"This trailer is actually pretty neat," Jay blurted, knocking on the side of the vehicle.

"It looks really vintage," Dan noted, peeking through one of the trailer's windows. "Are we gonna have to cover these windows with wood planks too?"

Stephen grinned, swinging the car keys in his hand. "No need. The windows are bulletproof."

"...Bulletproof?" My eyes widened as I took a closer look at the glass; my reflection stared back at me. "That would be so expensive though! How come it cost only, like, 5000?"

"I told ya already," Stephen shrugged. "I got it from a thrift shop."

"Thrift shops usually only sell clothes," Dan looked at Stephen, tilting his head.

Stephen stopped swinging the car keys. "Oh, no, not the one I go to. They sell practically anything. That's where I got my TV from."

"You've mentioned that television about a hundred times already," Jay deadpanned.

Stephen grinned. "Really?"

"Can you unlock the trailer?" Jay changed the subject, jumping from one foot to the other. "I wanna see what the inside looks like."

"Uh, sure," Stephen pressed on the car keys button, and 2 short beeps came from the vehicle.

Jay let out a little whoop as he pushed open the slide door. Jumping into the trailer.

Following after Jay, Dan mumbles something about the roof of the trailer being too low.

"Wow, check this out!" Jay exclaimed from inside, his voice a little muffled. "A hatchet!"

"Put that down!" A yelp from Dan was heard. "No - Don't swing that! What the - Stop!"

A thunk followed.


The air was thick as I noticed Stephen's eyes widen in a matter of milliseconds. 

"What the hell did you do, Jay?" Stephen yelled, rushing to the trailer and hopping in.

Jay's voice was heard from inside. "Nothing big, I swear! I just, kinda, dropped it and it made a dent in the metal, please don't kill me -"

"Idiot!" A screech erupted from Stephen. "What were you thinking?"

"I - I'm sorry! It was just in my nature to -"

"In your nature? In your fucking nature? I'll fucking show you natu -"

"Uh, guys?" I fidgeted with my fingers as I waited outside of the trailer. I swear, I could see the whole trailer shaking from the commotion inside of it. "Maybe, we could... Uh, let's calm down, okay? Everything's -"

"Not fine! Everything's not fine!" Stephen interrupted. "That's it, I'm bashing Jay's head with the same hatchet he dented the trailer with, and his blood will -"

"Nope, no need for that!" Dan stepped in. "Stephen, let Jay go. You're choking him."

"Hell yeah I'm choking him! This little bastard deserves -"

Another thump was heard, followed by a string of profanities. "No! Dan, get off! Let me beat the fu -"

I grimaced as I watched the trailer sway lightly.


No but really, why?

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