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dont worry

"Hosuh wHAt the HELL hit the brakes!"

I pushed my foot on the pedal so hard it hurt. Fear pooled in my stomach, jabbing at me as the car in front of us for closer and closer. Dan rolled off his bed.

"Oh my god that actually hurt my stomach," Stephen wheezed as the trailer completely stopped, and I let out a sigh of a relief. "What the actual hell Hosuh."

" I don't - have a driver's licence!" I glanced at him through the corner of my eye, breathing heavily. He was lying on the floor next to the driver's seat, clutching his stomach. "What did you expect?"

"Someone who can actually drive a car!" He chopped the words.

"Exactly, I can't do that."

"Well that sounds like a you problem, sir."

I turned my eyes back on the road with a soft exhale and ignored the other, watching the traffic light. My heartbeat was finally starting to slow down.

The light quickly turned green again, and I waited for the car in front of me to start going. When it did I sped up carefully and double-checked left and right.

The sun was rising, just barely. Reds and peach bathed the road. Jay and Pink was still sleeping, and miraculously, Dan as well, even after basically falling off his bunk during the near-accident.

Since I was first up to drive for a few hours, I woke up early and accidentally woke Stephen up while I was shuffling around. He'd been my driving buddy since then, making sure I didn't crash into anything.

I guess he was doing a pretty good job at it, for Stephen.

And no, that is not sarcasm.

"Oh look it's zombies," Stephen grinned, sitting up from his laying position and leaning forwards. His hair was a little messed up. "Do they travel in groups or something? Why aren't they attacking any cars?"

I looked to where the grape head was staring at. A huddle of half a dozen zombies were barely standing up straight, snapping their jaws at each other.

A smaller one was leaning on another zombie, doubling over and vomiting. I took my guess that the puking one was on the last phase of fully transforming into a zombie.

But Stephen was right, they did seem to be peaceful.

I shrugged, breaking a little when the car in front of me flashed its back lights. "Maybe zombies don't go for cars?"

"Well why don't they. Humans are inside of them."

"...They don't know that."

Stephen scoffed, grinning a little. "It's not like they're not blind."

"You don't know that."

"Stephen's always right."

I laughed softly, accelerating the trailer. "Okay..."

The boy lay back down on the ground again, keyboard slamming his vocals into quiet gibberish. I payed attention to the road.

As I drove on, I passed another huddle of zombies, a little fewer this time. Then another. The car in front slowed down, so I slowed down too.

Another jab of fear stabbed my gut when I noticed no traffic lights.

"Stephen the car stopped what do I do." I murmured. He raised his head stiffly, blinking. "There's no traffic light either," I add.

"Honk at them," he states. "Or run them over."

I squint a little, trying to make out what was happening in front of the car. After a moment of trying to see what was going on, my eyes widened as I registered a humanoid figure.

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