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"Well, then I guess we need to kick some Volturi ass"

"Jasper, honey, as much as I love you, sometimes you're a little bit over ambitious"

Jasper pulled a face at me like I was completely mad, but I was right. There was definitely no way we could take on the Volturi right now, not me anyway. I could tell I was getting closer and closer to the inevitable fate of Carlisle taking out my baby and letting it grow more under the incubator.

In all honesty I was quite sad that I didn't get to deliver like a normal person, but then again I'm not a normal person. So I suppose all feelings aside I should be grateful - I still wish I could fight right now though. Nobody knew when the Volturi were coming for us and of course we needed to be prepared.

Hence, myself and Jasper were currently driving down a very, very long driveway that belongs to friends of the Cullen's. Jasper knew them so I was happy, I was quite awkward meeting new people, especially talking them out of going against you and your potential hell baby. Do you see my point?

"Overly ambitious? I think you'll find I'm the right amount of ambitious love. Besides, we all know how this is going to end" His eyes pulled off the road to look at me, I stared back.

"Do we? Who is the one in the car with vision abilities? Oh that's right! Me!" His optimism was rare but it wasn't exactly placed properly.

He tutted and shook his head. "Here we are" the car pulled to a stop on the gravel outside of what seemed to be a giant mansion. Very stylish, not so humble. "So, this is Lydia and Joss' house. Lydia has the ability to project her voice in battle"

My head slowly nodded. "Have you ever seen her do it?"

"No, but from what I've heard she's powerful. And definitely someone that we want on our side"

"Okay" I continued. "And Joss?"

"No, she has no powers but will follow her wife on everything, so as long as we have Lydia we have the both of them. It shouldn't be hard though, they've been family friends for centuries now"

Perfect. Didn't need to do that much convincing. "Shall we go inside? I can imagine they've already heard us pull up"

He chuckled. "Yeah, lets go. It will be fine, don't worry. They'll listen to us"

I was very anxious. "I really hope so"

Inside, we sat with Lydia and Joss. They had made us some tea to welcome us. As soon as they laid eyes on me, their faces lit up with glee, and then worry. It took us a few moments to convince them that I was actually a pregnant vampire and not an illusion sent from the Volturi to trick them.

The warm cup sat in my lap as I gently took sips, I was letting Jasper do most of the talking. The two women sat in front of us on the edge of their seats, listening to what he had to say.

"That's why we need your help. What Jane saw, what she think she saw, isn't the truth. The child has blood running through her veins, and a heart that beats. She's human"

Lydia's lips drew into a fine line. "Jasper, with all due respect, how can we trust you? For all we know - you could be bending the truth"

Jasper nodded and turned to me. "Yes, I thought you might say that. Scarlett can help us, she will let you see and understand that we pose no threat, if you let her"

I smiled at them, knowing what he meant. I was slightly nervous however, I hadn't practiced Renesmee's gift very often, and that's what was needed right now.

The women looked confused and I sat forward. "I can show you, I just need to touch you both" They nodded and I gently took both their hands.

I thought of Renesmee. Her birth. Bella and Edward being her real parents. All the amazing times we had spent together. That time she fell over and cut her knee, I don't think I've ever seen Jacob move that fast. Her beating heart and her little rosy cheeks. Everything that could possibly show them that she is human, and means no harm - just like the rest of us.

They both sat back, speechless. "How did you do that?"

"I tapped into my own memories, and projected them into your minds, so you see that we are safe and what Jane saw wasn't what she thought"

Jasper took my hand. "Will you stand with us?" He sounded hopeful.

I stared at both of them as they looked at each other, then back to us. "We won't fight"

My head shook. "No fighting. We don't want to cause any unnecessary pain or violence. We only ask that you stand with us as our witness, so that the Volturi see we pose no threat"

Lydia looked at me and smiled, her hand reached over to mine and squeezed it. "We will stand with you. Family protects family"

I let out a sigh of relief and squeezed her back, nodding. "You're right. Family protects family"

Hope flooded my system as we left the house, they would join us in a couple of days as the trial neared. If we could convince them, then a part of me thought we could convince the Volturi too. But, only time would tell.

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