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MY STOMACH WAS somewhat different to usual. Honestly I think I've had bigger bumps from bloating when I was a human. According to Carlisle, my little miracle was about the size of a grapefruit now, not that it looked it.

Jasper was glued to my side, it was nice. We lay on the couch together, his hard but gentle hands stroked my small bump. It was apparent he was more excited to be a father than I had ever imagined, but that made it so much more special.

Bella had 'woken up' a few days ago. However, arising from the dead would probably be a better way to put it. Her and Edward were in their new house. It was beautiful, I wished me and Jasper had a place to call our own but all we had was time, we'd get there one day.

"Do we tell him?" We were having a conversation about Charlie. He was still under the impression that Bella was dead, I wasn't sure what would be the best thing to tell him. He was drinking his way through cans of beer each night and it was worrying, but maybe leaving him to grieve was good.

"Well, he already thinks she is dead. Surely that's a good thing?" Jacob coddled Renesmee in the corner.

I shook my head. "I'm worried about him, he seems...unhinged now. Maybe him knowing about us isn't a bad thing?"

Carlisle pulled his lips into an fine like, frustrated. "It would be difficult. It could put him in more danger. If the Volturi find out they won't hesitate to kill him"

My arm was rubbed my Jasper. "We're already on their radar. They'll be looking out for things to take us down"

He was right. I felt bad for Bella. Charlie knew that I existed and thought I was alive, it was only fair that she had the same treatment. We would need to move and could never see him again, it would be hard for everyone.

"So that's it then? We just move on with our lives and let him believe Bella is dead? That doesn't seem fair"

Jacob piped in. "I think he needs to heal"

"We can't just leave though. Think of everything we're leaving behind" I loved Forks, and Charlie. I couldn't just get up and leave.

The wolf's face changed expression. "Wait - leaving? Who said anything about leaving?"

Carlisle offered help. "Everyone thinks Bella is dead. We can't risk exposing her and anyone finding out, especially Charlie. We would need to relocate to somewhere different"

"How? Surely you can stay? I need to see her" His bond with Renesmee was apparent but not important enough to keep us in Forks for longer than we needed.

"I'm sorry Jacob, it's the only way"

Jacob stood up with Ren and gently gave her to Carlisle. He looked determined and I feared he was about to do something that would change our lives forever. Some part of me willed him on.  "We'll see"


"You did what?!" Bella's voice echoed around the house, pulling me from my nap.

"Your know why I did it" Jacob paused. "I solved a problem, okay? It will help everyone"

I sat up and walked over to the noise. From what they were talking about, it seemed that Jacob had somehow exposed the supernatural world to Charlie. Props to him, that took balls. And it meant I could see Charlie again, he would be able to meet his grandchildren eventually.

"And you thought that was a good idea?" Edward chimed in.

"I didn't know he would just appear. I thought it would just help him! This isn't my fault" Those words meant that Charlie was on his way here, now.

Myself and Edward were obviously on the same page, thinking about Bella and her uncontrollable thirst. Not to mention she had crimson red eyes that definitely didn't look like funky contacts.

"She won't be able to control it. The thirst will be too much for her - it will be excruciating" My head lay on the doorframe as I spoke. I remember when I first turned it was so painful, my throat was incredibly dry and I would've done anything to satisfy the thirst.

"I'm sorry. But you know yourself what Charlie has been through, he's not been the same since she died and I know you'll all be much happier with him in your lives" Jacob was right. But I didn't want to admit it.

"It was a selfish move, jackass"

"I know how you all feel about it and I truly am sorry, but he'll be here in ten minutes"

At that moment everyone's heart sunk into their stomach. "What??" He had to be joking. There was no way in hell we could get Bella human ready in ten minutes.

Alas, that's where I was wrong. Within a few seconds Alice burst into the room with everything that she needs. Sometimes this girl scared me with how accurate her visions were.

I had sat myself down on the couch, mainly thinking about how I was going to tell Charlie that I was pregnant. I'm not sure how he would react. I hoped good but you can never tell with men.

Alive whipped round me, equipping Bella with contacts, makeup and proper human poses. She looked like a doll trying to be real, there was no way Charlie would believe it. Surely not.

I was more worried about how I would tell him my predicament. I guess we were about to see how this would all play out..

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