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Poppy's hands flew to her ears, disgusted. "Ew, mom. I don't need to hear about you and dads's romance life. That's weird"

I laughed and continued making lunch. "But that's the best part of the story!"

Her head shook. "No, tell me about the Volturi again - pleeeaasseee? They sound badass!"

Jasper was sitting next to her. "I mean, they were bad alright. They did bad things"

Pops scribbled furiously in her notepad, taking down everything we were saying for her creative writing class at school. "And they almost killed me? Wow. I must've been pretty tough back then"

I smiled at her. "Back then? You mean 3 months ago. You haven't changed Pops"

She shushed me and held her hand up. "I know. It's for dramatic effect, I need the reader to think that I'm the hero, that's the assignment"

"Ah I see - well, go ahead then. Do you have all that you need?"

Her head nodded. "More than enough. This is going to be epic!! I still need to hear the story from Auntie Bella's side too - then I can capture all the angles" She stopped, listening down the hallway. "Okay, Ren's stopped quizzing her, it's my turn now!" She kicked off her chair and flew down the hallway towards Bella.

I winced, she wasn't the most careful person in the world. Despite being young, she was mature for her age. It got even better when we started her at an online school, I don't think Carlisle has had much peace though.

Jasper laughed. "We're you like that at school?"

My head shook. "No way. I hated writing, I was much better at maths"

"I can't remember when I was a human. I am a bit of a History buff though" This made me laugh. "But books are good, they enhance the mind"

"I'm glad she has you as her role model. If she even turns out half as nice as you, I'll be happy" I fumbled about in the kitchen drawers but jumped as Jasper suddenly appeared behind me.

"I want it to be like this forever" His head snuggled into the crook of my neck.

I leaned into him, taking in his aroma. "Forever is composed of nows" My hand made its way through his hair and I closed my eyes. "We did a good job, despite all the odds against us"

He laughed. "What odds?"

"Oh, you know. Just homicidal vampires, immortal children drama, people out to kill us at every turn, not to mention my dad has almost murdered you on multiple occasions"

"Well, were here aren't we?"

"We're here. We're more than here. I've never felt more alive than I have right now, with you" My voice quivered and he turned around to face me, planting a kiss on my forehead.

"I like our tale of love"

My head nodded. "It will go down in history, I'm sure of it. I'm just glad it all worked out in the end"

"I love you Scarlett Swan"

"I love you Jasper Hale"

It's important to live in the now. Because in the end, we will all be stories.

DERANGED DESTINY; J. HALE [5]Where stories live. Discover now