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But at the same time, time stood so still for moments.

Jasper tore into the bathroom behind me, the door was ripped from its hinges, splinters falling all around us. I whipped round, Carlisle was in front of me now too. A high pitched buzz filled the air as I tried to hear what they were saying to me. Lips moved but nothing came out. Shock flew through my body as I tried to comprehend what was happening.

This wasn't meant to be happening.

"Scarlett..." Carlisle's voiced waved in and out on the sand that was my mind.

We swiftly made our way over to his makeshift medical theatre. The light lights burned my sensitive eyes, Jasper gripped my hand tightly. His own eyes filled with tears, worried for mine and the baby's life. He was speaking to me, coaching me, telling me everything would be okay and this will go smoothly, I hoped he was right.

I nodded back at him, still feeling immensely swept off my feet. I was lying on the cold medical bed now. An overwhelming sense of pressure built in my pelvis as the child inside me got ready to enter the world for the first time, and I was ready. Just as a woman's heart knows how to pump blood around her body, and her lungs to fill with air, and her hand to pull back from flames, my body knew how to give birth. I was made for this.

"You're doing great love, you are doing just fine" His eyes met my own as my teeth grit together hard, if I wasn't a vampire they would have surely cracked under the pressure now.

The pain was not unbearable. It was not comfortable, but I was stronger than it. It was me, and I was taking control.

My lips blew out cold air with each sharp contraction. Bella was by my side through most of it, she understood me and what I wanted. Jasper never left. Even when I told him to, I didn't want him to see me suffer - or when I burst the pillow my head lay on to let out some frustration. His protective stance did not falter.

"Only a little bit longer Scarlett, I can see a head" Those were the words I needed.

It felt like I had been in pain for hours. Pushing aimlessly. But this time, the purpose exceeds the pain. I could feel it too, the movement was different, more lower, more prominent.

Jasper joined Carlisle at the foot of the bed, his eyes looked down. A single tear fell down his cheek, followed by another, and another.

One final push. That was all it took.

The beautiful sounds crying filled the quiet room.

I looked at my mate, who was in awe at the child. My shoulder relaxed for the first time and I lay my head back on the bed, allowing myself to heal and regain strength. It was finally over. We finally could meet our child.

Carlisle was making sure the baby was alright, he stood in the corner of the room weighing it and taking vitals. He looked at both of us, smiling. "Perfectly healthy"

Jasper rushed over and pulled me into a tight hug. "You did amazing" I was too weak to speak but instead hugged him tighter.

Carlisle wrapped the child in a soft blanket and turned to Jasper, who was more than eager to hold it. He gently took it in his arms, making sure not to harm the small being. His face softened completely as he examined its features. He stopped for a few moments and looked up at me. 

"She's just as beautiful as you"

A girl. My face lit up with emotion, warm tears streaming down my cheeks with relief. He walked over, placing her into my open arms and gently placing a kiss on my forehead. The first glimpse of my baby was glorious. Her red hair was prominent, but not as prominent as the wild curls that were already present on her head. She looked so natural, so kind, so human.

Carlisle left us be, they all did. Myself, Jasper and our new baby girl sat in silence, completely in awe at what was happening. We hadn't even decided on a name yet.

His mouth grazed my ear. "We make a pretty good looking baby"

I laughed, the baby cuddling into my chest. "We do indeed"

"I can't believe how well you did. Truly, it was impressive" I thanked him and snuggled into his arm, enjoying this moment. He spoke up first. "What should we call her?"

I wasn't sure. My eyes looked down at her, I was always told that you'd know as soon as you seen your child but I had no clue. my head slowly shook. "I'm not sure. Any ideas?"

He smiled. "It needs to be as beautiful and as delicate as her" I agreed.

I subconsciously dove into his mind. He was thinking about the terrible time I told him I was pregnant in the most unfortunate way. It felt like I was there, I could see the bench covered in ceramic flowers, I could touch it and feel it. He thought of Rose, how helpful she had been through the pregnancy. The flowers and Rose remained in his mind.

I looked at him. "You're right. I love that name"

His cheeks glowed. "How did you know?"

"You know I have my ways Mr Hale"

"You like it? The name?"

My head nodded. It was perfect. "Yes"

The back of his hand brushed on her face, caressing it gently. "Baby Poppy"

I smiled and bowed my head, looking back to my daughter, who was staring at Jasper with her gorgeous amber eyes. "Baby Poppy"

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