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CARLISLE CAME RUNNING DOWN the stairs as me and Edward stood around Bella, staring in shock. She shot up at the speed of light, admiring her surroundings. She was alive. She was a vampire. Her hands flexed in front of her face and she turned to Edward, then me. "What happened?" Her eyes squinted at the sudden adjustment in light, I remember doing the same when I was turned to a vampire.

We looked at Edward. He would be the best person to tell Bella she wasn't quite a human anymore. "You died"

Great. "I did? How?"

"You died during childbirth, Bella" I wondered if she would remember Renesmee, I didn't remember much when I woke up.

Her face seemed to light up. "Where is she? Is she okay?"

Edward placed a hand on her leg. "She's fine-"

"-She's great actually" I chimed in. So many emotions overwhelmed the room, I had just found out that my sister who was dead, is now alive again and I could burst into tears at the thought of it. We could be a happy family again, everything would be okay. I couldn't wait to tell her my news. "You need to meet her"

Carlisle stepped forward from behind me. "She can't see Bella right away. Renesmee is part human, which means she has human blood and not that I don't trust Bella, but it's better to be safe than sorry" I nodded my head in agreement, we had to take things slow.

My hands clapped together and I ran over to her, cheesing. "I am so glad you're not dead" She chuckled and enveloped me into a really tight hug. She was very strong, stronger than me even.

Edward laughed, finally looking actually happy for the first time in a few months. "I'm here too"

I pulled away and smiled apologetically. "Sorry, sisters before misters" I walked over beside Carlisle, pulling him away with me. "We will uh - leave you two be" They smirked at me as we left, closing the door tight behind us and being sure not to listen. Some things I didn't want to hear about.

By the time we had made it up to the living room, of course the whole house knew about the news. Everyone was ecstatic with happiness and I fed off it, I was the happiest i've been in months. Truly happy.

Jasper had a huge grin plastered on his face, he was happy for his brother too. I grabbed his hand and pulled him outside. He ran along behind me, chuckling. "What's this? I didn't think you'd want to go for a walk with this news"

I let go of his hand so he could briskly walk behind me. "yes, well - Edward is going to show her the ropes for a few hours. You know, hunting, not eating people, vampire rul-"

"-Stalling?" He turned to face me. "Why are you stalling? What have you done?"

I tried to make my face look as innocent as possible, but it was no use. Instead, my body gave me a 'I'm guilty of something' laugh and I couldn't contain it. "I've done nothing Mr Hale"

"Is that so?"

"Well, partly. It was both of our doing"

His face turned confused, I looked back to see how far we had gone and if it was safe to speak now. We walked over to a small bench, it was decorated in ceramic poppies. "Sit with me?"

"Everything okay?" We sat down and I placed a comforting hand on his knee, I'm not sure who was more nervous - me or him. "What is it?"

"I'm not sure how to say this Jasper. I'm scared"

His hand clasped mine and he pulled it up to his mouth, gently kissing it. "You can tell me anything, you know that right?"

He was perfect. And so right.

"My abilities, we're not exactly sure what they do just yet. It's unpredictable" He nodded along. "So, something's happened because I was constantly around Bella during her pregnancy. We thought it was impossible, but nothing is impossible with us , right?" His face remained hard as stone as I spoke. "Jasper, I-"

The breath was taken away from me by a huge sharp pain ripping through me, I cried out in pain and collapsed to the floor, my vision blurring. It felt like someone was taking a knife to my insides. I clutched my stomach in terror, my wide eyes landed on Jasper who wasn't sure what to do. He held me and was yelling thing's but I couldn't hear him, the sound of a faint heartbeat invaded my senses. I didn't know if i was speaking but I had to tell him.

"I'm pregnant" I started choking on the words as a sticky substance made it's way down my legs for the first time in a long time.

Black clouded my vision, the last thing I remember is being lifted into his arms before I succumbed to the unbearable pain.

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