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THROUGH MY CLOSED EYELIDS I could feel my hair wrapped around my wet neck, I was lying on something hard - Carlisle's table. It was metal, my hand stretched out to feel more surroundings but was held down by something hard. I felt weaker than I did when I was a human. Unable to find the strength, I tried to open my mouth and say something. No use.

I lie there for a moment, reflecting. I was out in the woods talking to someone, on a bench. There was poppies on the bench. The bench was rusted. It was Jasper, he was there too. I thought I was going to die, but he made sure I didn't fall.

He knows i'm pregnant.

I tried hard to listen to the small heartbeat that was once inside me but now heard complete silence. I feared my baby was dead.

Faint sounds started becoming more clearer as I awoke further. The hard object holding my hand down was another hand, my eyes shot open. My throat was dry.

"She's awake!" Rose's voice echoed around the room, hurting my ears.

I groggily sat up and had a look at who sat beside me. Jasper's thumb rubbed the back of my hand, he quickly leaned forward and was speaking too fast for me to comprehend right now. Everything seemed to happen in slow motion, Carlisle was speaking too - Rose sat in the corner of the room, I think.

"Are you alright?" Who was speaking?

Jasper. His lips moved at the right time.

I tried to talk but had to try a few times to get it right. "What happened?"

Everything was normal now. My weak body sat up slowly, helped by Jasper. Everyone exchanged glances and I felt like I was the only one not in on a joke. "Sweetheart-" Jasper's delicious voiced filled my senses. "Something happened with the baby"

Fear flashed across my face. "Is she alive?"

He smiled. "She's alive - don't worry"

"So what happened?" Why did it feel like I was being stabbed.

He let Carlisle explain. "Scarlett, it appears that your baby tried to bite you from inside the womb"

My heart dropped. "Bit me?"

"Yes. If you can remember we didn't know how advanced the pregnancy was, but from the labs I took when Jasper brought you to me, the pregnancy is fairly advanced. It seem's that it's growing slower than the rate of a Bella's, which is good to know" He stopped, glancing at his papers. "However- since your body doesn't grow, we will need to remove the fetus once it gets to a stage where it can live outside of the body safely" 

I nodded slowly, taking in all the new information. "Okay, i'm glad it's safe"

Jasper stood up and kissed my temple. "I'm glad you're both safe"

Rose walked over. "You gave us all a scare"

I chuckled. "You didn't think I'd go out that easily huh?"

"You surprise us every time" 

Carlisle closed his clipboard and I turned to him. "When do you take the fetus out? How long do you think it will be?"

He pulled a face. "It's hard to say. For now, we can all hear the baby's heartbeat. I imagine it will get stronger as the fetus grows, so that can tell us. I unfortunately can't use ultrasounds so i'll need to take labs every week and keep track. As you know, this isn't something i'm very experienced with"

I patted his arm, encouragingly. "Bella is alive. Thank's to you, so I trust you completely"

"Thank you Scarlett" He left the room, leaving me, Rose and Jasper. 

I jumped down from the table, still not feeling quite right but I was getting there. Rose pulled me into a hug. "Pregnant huh? I'm so happy for you" She was happy but I could feel the jealously rolling off her in waves. I felt bad for her, this was all she ever wanted and I took it with a pinch of salt. The fact that I didn't need to shield myself anymore made my other abilities even stronger.

"You'll be with me every step of the way, don't worry" My hand rubbed her back.

Jasper scoffed to the side of us. "And me? The father of the child?"

Rose stared at him and burst out laughing, pulling him into the hug too. We stood there for a few moments, thankful that we were all alive and healthy. It was something we took for granted very often.

She pulled away and smiled at us. "I can't wait till you are the power couple, with a child. You'll be unstoppable" 

We stared at each other and tried not to laugh. "You always know what to say, Rose"

She smiled. "What can I say? I have a way with words" She turned to face the door and looked back. "So exciting!" And left, no doubt going to tell Emmett she was going to be an auntie again.

I turned to Jasper. "I'm sorry for not telling you sooner"

His head shook slowly. "You didn't need to. I would've been happy no matter when you decided to tell me. We're in this together"

"So you're happy?"

He looked at me like I had just asked him if the sky was blue. "Of course I'm happy. I get to have a child with the woman I love"

"I can't wait till we become a three"

"She's gonna be so spoiled!" Jasper threw his head back laughing. He was right, that little baby is going to be ridiculously loved.

"And i'll love every minute of it"

DERANGED DESTINY; J. HALE [5]Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora