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<<Are you ready? I'm outside.>>

Perrie had been waiting on the sofa for hours. She almost run to the door when she received that text. She got in the car and Alex immediately started to drive without even looking at her.

'I'm guessing we're still not talking then.'

'You guessed right.'

'Alex please...'

'I don't want to do this right now. Don't make things harder.'

'Just listen to me for a minute!'

'No, you listen: I said I don't want to talk about it right now. I've always respected your timing, I'd like you to respect mine now.'

Perrie could feel her eyes filling up with tears as she looked out of the window. Alex noticed but despite feeling awful he just couldn't get over what happened the night before.


'Are you sure you don't want to go out for dinner?'

'No it's fine babe, we can just have a takeaway.'

'Your wish is my command princess!' Alex laughed hugging his girlfriend. 'Are you okay?'

Perrie rolled her eyes. 'You asked me at least five times since you got home! I'm fine! I'm just a bit tired... I want to spend the evening on the sofa with you having cuddles.'

Perrie loved that Alex was so caring, but she also knew that she wasn't gonna be able to keep lying to him if he kept asking her if she was okay.

She couldn't stop thinking about what happened that same morning at Zayn's house.

Alex and Perrie were cuddled up on the sofa, both half asleep when a sudden and loud bang on the door made them jump.

'What time is it?' Alex looked at Perrie who checked her phone.

'Five to midnight. Who the hell knocks to someone's door at this time??'

Alex stood up and went to open the door but it took him a couple of seconds to realize who it was.

'What the fuck are you doing here?'

'Hello to you too. Enjoying your evening?'

'I told you to stay away from her.'

'It's not her I want to talk to this time. I'm actually here to see you.'

Alex quickly looked at Perrie, then back at Zayn. His breath clearly stunk of alcohol and he barely could keep still.

'It's late, you should go home.' Alex went to shut the door but suddenly stopped when he heard Zayn kept talking.

'Congratulations on the baby. Although I think your girlfriend should have told me at the beginning of the week when we started to talk again.'

'What are you talking about?'

'Oh right, you didn't know. I thought this was the case. Well good job I'm a changed man and I'm all for the truth these days.'

Alex didn't want to listen to him but he just couldn't bring himself to shut that door.

Zayn smiled satisfied. 'What, you lost your words big man? Don't worry, I'll do the talk. We talked every night for the past week. That pretty girl over there said she didn't want to talk to me but picked up the phone every damn night. Then today she came over to my place but don't you worry, nothing happened. Well that's my fault I think, I should've tried to kiss her before she fell asleep, we both know she's never in a good mood when she's just woken up.' He looked at Perrie over Alex's shoulder. 'You thought you'd get your revenge, eh? You should know I always get the last word. Enjoy the rest of your evening.' He walked away laughing to himself after Alex slammed the door.

Alex didn't know how to feel. He was angry, he was sad, he was disappointed. All together, all ready to explode. He couldn't take himself to look at Perrie.

'Babe I can explain... I was gonna tell you...'

'Did you really go to his place then?'

'I did, just let me explain though.'

'I can't... I can't do this. Sorry but I listened to enough bullshit for tonight.'

Perrie kept trying to persuade him to listen to her whilst he quickly grabbed his phone and car keys and walked towards the door.

'Where are you going? Please stop...'

'I'm staying at Matt's tonight. I'll pick you up in the morning for your doctor's appointment.'

*Flashback ends*

'I'm glad at least everything is fine with the baby.'

'Me too. I wish we could say the same about us.'

'It's not my fault though, is it?'

'C'mon Alex, this isn't fair!'

'You want to know what's not fair? You putting up such a fuss about trusting me and then do all those things behind my back. That wasn't fair.'

'And I'm sorry. But you won't even listen to me, you only know his half of the story and it's very inaccurate!'

'I told you, I need time.'

Alex parked in front of Perrie's house.

'I guess you're not coming in then.'


'Are you staying at Matt's again?'

'I don't know.'

Perrie waited a moment before opening the car door hoping he would say something.

Alex sighed. 'I don't know what I'm doing yet but I promise I'll let you know. You should go now.'

Perrie got out of the car. 'I love you.'

Alex started to drive without saying anything.


<<I'm going back to Manchester. I need some time to think. Please don't call me because it'd just make things harder. I feel like it's better if I stay by myself for a bit. I'll call you when I'm ready to talk.>>


<<I love you.>>

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