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Christmas Eve.

'Merry Christmas Eve baby!'

Perrie walked into the room as a ray of sunshine, holding a tray with pancakes, coffee and orange juice. She sat on the bed where Alex was still asleep.

'C'mon! Wake up! It's Christmas eve!'

He growled in between his teeth. 'What time is it?'

'Half seven.'

Alex put his head under the pillow. 'Too early. Come back in four to five hours.'

'But I've been awake for at least two hours now. Pleeeeeeaseeeeeee wake up.'

Alex lifted his head up. 'Two hours?! Are you on drugs or something?!' he chuckled.

'No I just love Christmas!' she went to sit on her side of the bed passing him his coffee.

'It's not Christmas yet.'

'It's Christmas Eve, just as exciting!'

'I don't get it but if it makes you happy...' he grabbed a plate with pancakes.

'I can't wait for my mum to come over later. And to see your parents. Are they coming over tomorrow morning then?' she put a mouthful of pancakes in her mouth and continued 'Oh and we still have to finish the tree!'

'It looks pretty finished to me babe.'

'It's definitely not! We still have to put the star on top. I wanted to do it with you since it's our first Christmas together...'

'I guess I'll help you then.' Alex kissed Perrie's cheek.

The two finished breakfast in bed then headed downstairs as Perrie couldn't stop talking about finishing the tree.

Perrie opened the box of decorations still full of baubles and sparkly ribbons despite having a fully decorated tree. She pulled out a big golden star refined with glitter and glass details and passed it over to Alex. He climbed on a chair and put the star on top of the tree smiling at his girlfriend.

Perrie tidied the box away and started to put presents under the tree. She picked up a blue box with a white bow that had her name on it but Alex stopped her before she could put it with the other presents.

'You should open that now.'

'I can't, it's not Christmas yet Mr.'

'But I feel this is the right moment for you to open it.'

Perrie looked at Alex and started to undo the ribbon with a big grin on her face. Alex scratched his head nervously. 'It's nothing special... I just thought, you like this kind of things...'

Perrie opened the box and took out a glass bauble with hers and Alex's name on it, plus two small paw prints with the name of their dogs. She immediately put the bauble on the tree and hugged Alex.

'Oh my God it's amazing! Why are you so wonderful?!' They broke up the hug but still had their hand on each other's waist.

'Do you like it then?'

'It's prefect, I love it! I love you!'

'I love you too.'

Perrie realized what she had just said. 'I mean it, I love you.'

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