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[Disclaimer: This is a work of fantasy and it DOES NOT intend to describe the real personality of ANY of the characters. I DO NOT believe that Zayn ever did anything nasty to Perrie, it's just the way the story turned out in my head and I'm deeply sorry if this offends anyone in any kind of way.]



'Girls we know it's late and you're all ready to go but can you pop in the meeting room for a moment? We won't be long, promise.' Great, nothing better than a last minute meeting at half eleven on a Friday night.

'It's a bit last minute, but we got a call from The X Factor today, they want you on the show on Sunday night. We wouldn't normally do it given they didn't give us much time but it's a great opportunity.'

'So I suppose it's an early start tomorrow and a late finish on Sunday, right?'

'Right, sorry girls.'

The girls picked up their bags and left the room, tired, sad, disappointed.

'Andre is gonna kill me this time. I promised him I was going to his mum's barbecue tomorrow. Never been to one of the woman's party, she'll end up hating me!'

'I have my mum coming down tomorrow, she'll have to come to rehearsal with me.'

'I'm sure Norma will love to watch us on the show anyway.'

'Yeah, I guess. Perrie you're being awfully quiet.'

'I. Hate. My. Life.'

'Surely he'll understand.'

'Yeah sure, but that's just my luck, isn't it? I just start dating someone and we already can't see each other for 7 years!'

'Always thought Leigh was the drama queen, but you're definitely catching up with her!' Jesy laughed as she said it and hid behind Jade, scared of Leigh-Anne's reaction. 'Anyway I'll stop you right there Pez. Don't start over thinking things. He's gonna be fine with it.'

'Until he decides we don't spend enough time together and cheats on me...' Perrie rolled her eyes.

'No, this is what idiotic boys tell you to make you feel guilty because they can't keep it in their pants. Oh wait, that's what you find if you look in the vocabulary under the name 'Zayn'!' The girls still weren't over what Zayn did to their best friends. Clearly.

'Mmm... you're right, I suppose. Also, if you think I'm being a drama queen now, wait until you see me tomorrow at fucking five o'clock at rehearsal!'


'Well done girls, you get a fifteen minute break!'

The girls threw themselves on the floor near the mirrors. They had been in rehearsal for hours and hours, putting together a new dance routine for the show. Perrie and Jesy picked up their phones to take a couple of selfie before getting back to work.

'You look hot babe! Send it to your new lover!'

'Why should I?!'

'As a good luck charm!' Leigh snatched Perrie's phone off her and started to type something.


<<Good luck x>>[picture]


'Relax, this is gonna motivate him to score that goal for you!'

'Yeah and it will be pointless because I can't see him tomorrow, can I?!'

'What did he say about that?'

'There's a possibility I haven't told him yet...'

'Chicken!' the girls started to make fun of her.

'Oh shut up! Norma hun, I need your service now by the way!'

Jade's mum looked at Perrie confused. Perrie typed something on her phone, then passed it to her.

'You need to keep an eye on this and...'

'Is it a football match?'

'Yeah ma, don't ask. Perrie's got this new boyfriend and he's playing today.'

'He's definitely not my boyfriend! Anyway Norma, you need to keep an eye on this and keep me updated.'

'Which one is he??'

'I'm not telling you.'

'Why? I don't gossip.'

'Yes you do and we really don't want good old Debs to know just yet, do we?' Perrie definitely wasn't ready for her family to start asking questions.

'Alright, I'll do it for you pet.'

-Alex would like to FaceTime-

-Congratulations on the big win!

-Haha thanks babe, did you watch it?

-I was working, sorry! But I've watched the replay of those two goals...

-What can I say, I like to do things in style!

-That's why it's even harder to tell you this...

-What? Is there something wrong?

-I need to cancel tomorrow. We're on The X factor in the evening and still have a lot of rehearsal to do during the day. I'm sorry... Can we do another day?

-Ehm, I've got intensive training and going to Portugal on Wednesday, I'll be back the following Thursday.

-I'm sorry, I should've told you yesterday when I found out.

-No it's fine, I'm sure we'll manage to arrange something babe. I'll think of something...

-Unfortunately for you that's my life. And it sucks sometimes.

-You really wanted that kiss didn't you?!

-Stop being silly! I'm just enjoying spending time with you, that's all.

-I know, me too. But we can wait, no big deal. We're taking it slow, remember?!

-Don't use my own words against me! It's not fair...

-You should have kissed me when you had the chance. I knew you would regret it haha

-No I don't... and you did kiss me anyway!

-I don't think that can be considered a kiss love, c'mon.

-I already said no by then so you can't really complain.

-Fair enough, but you didn't really mean 'no' so it's all good.

-You think you're hilarious, don't you? I should probably go to bed now anyway.

-I'll let you go then, goodnight babe.



@Alexoxchamberlain: Hi it's Alex, Perrie's friend. Have you got a minute to talk?

@Jadethirlwall: Hey, of course! Tell me everything.

[Helly my little rays of sunshine! Just a few words: as I said before, I think I finally know where to go with this story but it's gonna become a bit more mature in a few chapters, so apologies in advance if it's not going to be your taste anymore xxx 

P.s. what do you guys think of the new video for Break Up son? I think it's brilliant! xxx]

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