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'We're gonna watch a film tonight? Are you joining us OX?'

'Ehm, no thanks lads. Kinda busy later.'

'Right, your mysterious date. Why won't you tell us who is it with this time?!'

'Absolutely not. She made me promise this was gonna stay between us so I'm not saying a word.'

'Look at you, not even been on your first date with this girl and she already has you by the balls!'

'Pretty much, yeah, and I'm not ashamed because I like the girl so I'd do whatever it takes!' Alex looked down at his phone and saw it was getting late. 'Right, gotta go. Matt you're coming?'

The two jumped in the car and drove home.

'So how are feeling.'

Alex pulled a surprised face looking at his best friend. 'You spend too much time with Georgie. Since when do we talk about feelings? Haha'

'You know what I mean! Are you excited to finally take her out?'

'Of course I am but I'm trying not to get too excited.' Alex took off his shirt to try on another one.

'I think you spend too much time with Georgie because that's like the fourth shirt you try on. I'm sure it's gonna go well, relax.'

'I hope so, but I got so nervous when I saw her at the party, I'm scared I'm going to say all the wrong things and she's gonna change her mind again.'

'Oh, you really really like her then...'


'I've got nothing to wear.'

'She says whilst sitting in the middle of her freaking walk-in robe!'

'You know what I mean, I've got nothing appropriate for a first date.'

'I'm sure we can find something you get off your arse and stop moaning!'

Perrie listened to her cousin and started to try on different combinations of outfits.

'Wear that red top, you look smoking in it!'

'No I can't wear red.'

'And the reason for that is...'

'When he started to message me he said that red suits me so if I wear red it would seems like I put too much thought into it.'

'Which is exactly what you're doing hun...'

'Yeah but if I wear red he'll think I'm trying to impress him.'

'Which is exactly what you want! Stop being scared and just go for it!'

'Ellie... go! I really don't need this right now. I can pick an outfit myself, just let me breathe for a couple of minutes. Jesus...'

'I think you need to get laid...'

'ELLIE, I said OUT!'


<<I'm outside yours x>>

'Hey! Nice car!'

'Hello darling, you look gorgeous.'

'Aww thanks.. so where are you taking me?'

'You can probably guess. We were talking about it the other day.'

'You need to give me another clue because I feel like I'm always talking about food.'

'Yeah you said you like your food, don't you! We were talking about desserts and I told you they have the best chocolate desserts in London.'

Perrie looked at him excitedly. 'The Ivy?! Can't be!'

'It is indeed. I thought you'd enjoy that.'

'That's really sweet, thank you.'

'I can't believe you've never been.'

'It's such a posh place and I'm definitely not a posh person.' They both laughed and as Alex continued to drive, he instinctively put his hand on Perrie's thigh. Once he realized, he quickly moved his hand away, while Perrie looked out of the window, embarrassed.

'Well, here we are...'

Alex was a real gentleman, he held the door for her, kept filling her glass and even let her try his cheesecake. Perrie felt a bit like a princess as she wasn't used to that kind of treatment. She also wasn't used to having a man by her side who really was interested in what she had to say, but Alex did. He was hanging on her every word, replying to everything she said and asking her a lot of questions about her life, her family and her job. Not to talk about the way he looked at her! He looked at her straight in the eyes, but for some reason this time she didn't find it intimidating. It must have been his warm smile and the way he gently touched her hand every time they were waiting for their next course.

'Did you wanna go on the rooftop for a bit?'

'Yes, sure.' They left their table to walk up the stairs. As they kept talking, it felt like all of London went quiet.

'Did you enjoy dinner?'

'It was lovely, thank you.'

'It was my pleasure. What have you got planned for the rest of the weekend?'

'Work, work and more work!'

'Work sounds fun.'

'...but I'll let you know if I happen to have a couple of hours free.'

'Making progress I see! I'm fine with that.'

'I must admit, you did well tonight.' They looked at each other intensely, Alex moved Perrie's hair from her face just before she went back to admire the view.

'This view is breathtaking.'

'Just like you.' Alex said putting his arm around Perrie's waist.

'Right, let's get you home Cinderella.'

[Good morning everyone! Thank you once again for keeping on reading xxx So i finally decided where to go with this story but it turned out to be quiet dark so I just wanted to know if you guys would still be interested in reading in :) Let me know what you think xxx]

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