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[Part 4.]

'I think it's time for us to talk.' Perrie opened that door. Without knocking, without introducing herself. She opened that door in the same way Zayn closed it a year ago.

Zayn was sitting in front of the mirror whilst his stylist was fixing his hair. Everyone went immediately silent when Perrie entered the room. Perrie looked at Zayn through the mirror and noticed his usual smirk as he stood up and made his way to the bathroom, holding the door for her.

Once they shut the door Zayn sat on top of the toilet whilst Perrie was leaning onto the sink.

'So what do you want to talk about?'

Perrie rolled her eyes. 'You're unbelievable. You put up such a scene earlier on and now you're making it seem like I'm the one desperate to come talk to you.'

'I think your friends put up a bigger scene than me, and you're the one who came storming into my dressing room.'

'What do you want from me?'

'How are you feeling? You didn't look well earlier.'

'I'm tired. What do you want?'

'I just thought we could do with a catch up.'

Perrie was starting to find Zayn's attitude really frustrating. She remained silent, so Zayn started to ask her questions.

'How long have you two been together?'

Perrie didn't want to answer him. In fact, she just wanted to walk away and pretend that never happened, but for some reason she couldn't.

'Just over six months.'

'Never thought you were into footballers to be fair. Is he treating you well?'

'Better than you did anyway. Where's all this going?'

'I missed you.'

'It's a bit too late for that, don't you think?'

'Would've make a difference if he wasn't in the scene?'

'No I don't think so.'


'The only lie I've ever told was to myself, thinking that you loved me and that you could change.'

'I did love you, you know that!'

'No I don't, Zayn! I don't know if you ever really loved me!' Perrie raised her voice.

'I wouldn't have left you if I didn't love you...' Zayn's smirk left place to a very serious expression.

'Don't you think I know how difficult life with me was towards the end? I know I gave you a hard time and I'm sorry. Treating you the way I did is the only thing I really regret.'

Perrie wasn't expecting to see that side of him. She wasn't expecting an apology.

'I didn't think I could change, I didn't see a way out and you know that. Leaving you was the only way to protect you.'

'I'm sorry but it's not enough for me.'

'What do you mean?'

'For years I've been there by your side, supporting you every step of the way, up until the end when no one else was in your corner... no one! I went against my friends, my family, just for you to treat me the way you did. The whole ''I left you because I love you'' argument is bullshit and you know that. I deserved so much more than that.'

Zayn walked closer to her. 'That's why I came back. It's different now, I haven't touched any of that shit in a while. I'm not drinking, I'm not smoking.' He got so close he was now whispering in her ear. 'But I don't think I can do it without you.'

Perrie could feel his breath on her face as she closed her eyes not to look at him. She knew that if she looked at him in the eyes she wasn't gonna be able to say no. She couldn't let herself fall for it again. Not this time, not anymore. In fact she hated herself for even thinking about it.

Zayn was clever. He knew what strings to pull and which words to use. That was the big difference between Zayn and Alex: Alex was so genuine and pure, Perrie was sure he would never try to manipulate her the way Zayn always did.

Perrie knew the longer she didn't say anything the more Zayn would feel like he still had the power, so she quickly moved and walked away letting just an 'I'm sorry' coming out of her lips.

She took a deep breath before exiting the dressing room and going back to Alex, trying to pretend nothing happened.

'How did it go?'

'Fine. We don't have to worry about him anymore.'

[Soooo what do you think guys? Do they still need to worry?? Lol Thank you to all the people that keep on voting and commenting xxx]

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