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'So how was it?!'

'Amazing, shame it was just for two days!'

'We need more, what did you do??'

'By the time we got there it was bloody late, like ten to midnight but Alex kept on insisting we needed to see the Eiffel Tower whilst it was still Valentine's day because it's a romantic thing to do so we went out to the balcony and girls... that view was astounding! Then he gave me another present.' Perrie pulled the necklace from under the collar of her shirt. It was a simple chain with a small circle pendant with AxP engraved.

'That's so pretty! He did well.'

'Yeah I'm so glad we worked things out. It was the best weekend ever.'

'Did you talk about the move to Manchester then?'

'Yes indeed. I am very happy for him, this is great for his career and he's so excited. It's going to be hard because we are used to see each other a lot at the moment but we'll make it work.'

'Are you moving in with him?'

'We're not sure on what is exactly going to happen just yet. He's adamant he wants to buy a house, he doesn't want to rent. We both know I can't really live there because of work so I'll still keep my place here in London but I guess ''HOME'' will be in Manchester.'

'When is he moving then?'

'In exactly a month from today. We're going up there on Sunday to look at houses. Things are getting pretty serious.'


'So are you moving in together?'

'No mum... it's complicated.' Alex opened the door to his apartment with his mum and two dogs. 'I'm still not sure if I want to rent or buy anyway. Perrie works in London most of the time so it wouldn't work for her to move.'

'I don't get it, so why are you buying a house together if she's not going to live there?'

'I'm buying a house but it will obviously be our house together for the time being.'

'Are you sure you both thought this thing through my love?'

'What are you trying to say mum?'

'I'm just worried, that's it. Long distance relationships are hard.'

'Yeah but guess what? It worked for the past six months.'

'I'm sorry, I didn't mean to upset you darling. I love Perrie, you know that. I just don't want to see you struggling.'

'Trust me mum, we've been through a lot already. She makes me happy, I don't know how to describe it. I know I love her and I want to spend every moment with her and although it's going to be a challenge we'll be fine. You need to stop worrying because I can take care of myself.'

'You'll always my baby! I guess it's just hard to come to the realization that I'm not the most important woman of your life anymore. I just hope she'll take good care of you. I've never seen you like this... in love.'

'Because I've never been truly in love mum. But I can guarantee you you'll always be the most important woman in my life and that there will always be a room for you in any house I buy.'


<<Check this place. I like it from the pictures xxx [link]>>


<<It looks really nice! Are you starting to book views? xxx>>


<<I booked a few, my mum insisted that I look at renting as well as buying but I'm still not sure. She's freaking out a bit about this move.>>


<<Why? xxx>>


<<I think she's worried about me and you moving up there together and cutting her out xxx>>


<<Bless her that's so sad :(>>


<<She kept asking me if we're moving together, if we're buying the house together, how are we gonna make it work with our jobs.>>


<<What about you ask her to come with us this weekend? So we can both talk to her and she'll feel like she's part of it too xxx>>


<<She'd love that. Are you sure you don't mind? xxx>>


<<Of course not! She'll see we're fine and give us her blessing xxx>>


<<Did you tell your mum yet? xx>>


<<I might have mentioned something but my mum is so used to me moving that I genuinely think she couldn't care less. I just had to listen to her lecture about the fact that we've just been together for six months and it's crazy to move in together but then she realized that we'll probably spend about ten days a year together so she was cool with it lol>>


<<A bit harsh, but she's right, let's face it pmls They're gonna be the best ten days of the year haha xxxx Just booked a view for that place I sent you ;) xxx>>


<<Can't wait! xxx>>

[Hi everyone :) Thanks for the 2k visualisations <3 Means so much to me xxx This chapter's a bit boring to be fair, but it's sort of an introduction for the next one haha Hope you'll enjoy! xxx]

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