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[Part 3.]


Perrie opened her eyes to a blurry picture. She couldn't recognize the room she was into: last thing she remembered was not feeling well and her friends calling the paramedic. After that, everything was so confused she just couldn't put all the pieces together.

She looked around as her mum was talking to the paramedic. Alex was in the room as well. She could hear music in the background so she knew she was still at the festival.

'What happened?'

'Your blood pressure just dropped, Miss. Nothing too serious, it's actually quite normal when you're pr...'

'Stressed! When you're stressed! She was really stressed...' Debbie panicked and interrupted the paramedic before he could finish the sentence. 'Thank you very much for your help.'

The paramedic left the room and Debbie went back to sit next to her daughter, who was still laying down.

'How are you feeling sweetheart?'

'Like a bus just hit me?' Perrie tried to sit up a bit and looked at Alex quietly sitting next to her.

Debbie noticed and decided to leave them some space. 'I'll go tell the girls you're okay now.'

After Debbie left the room, just silence. None of them really knew what to say or where to start.

'Right, I'll go first.' Perrie took a deep breath. 'I would have never wanted for you to find out like that. I thought about telling you a million times, I just wasn't ready. I don't like talking about it... I don't like thinking about it...'

Alex sighed seeing she was getting upset again and hugged her.

'I'm not mad at you... it's just hard. Every time I think I know everything about your past, something else comes up and every time I feel like we take a step back because I don't think you trust me yet.'

'I'm sorry... I never meant to make you feel like that. I do trust you and I do really love you, I just wasn't sure how to deal with my past and a new relationship. And in all honesty, I never thought he would be back.'

'Was it weird to see him?'

'Really. I wasn't expecting it. Don't take this the wrong way but I feel like I need closure... maybe I should talk to him...'

Alex shook his head. 'I don't understand it. I really don't... but if you feel that's what you need, I'm not going to stop you. I'm just worried he's gonna get in your head again.'

'I promise you I won't let him. I just need to close that chapter before we start the new one.' Perrie instinctively smiled and looked at her tummy. 'Babe I need to tell you something. I wanted to tell you in a different way, I know it's a bit of a shock but after what you said I don't want you to think that I'm keeping things from you. I only found out at the beginning of the week and I wanted to tell you in person.'

Alex was confused but couldn't help but smile. 'I don't understand. What you're trying to say?'

'Do you remember I didn't feel well last week? Ellie convinced me to take a pregnancy test...'

'I feel like I need that paramedic now...'

'I'm sorry! It wasn't planned obviously!'

'How far along are you?'

'I don't know, I don't know much. I just know the test came out positive. I still haven't got my head round it so I'm not expecting you to be excited or anything like that... well, I mean, it would be great if you were but don't feel bad if you don't...' she knew she was talking non-sense but she was scared about his reaction and what Alex could have said.

In reality, Alex didn't know what to say. 'So are we actually having... a baby?'

'Summed up, yes. I know it's going to be hard with my job and you just started with a new team but I mean, we will figure it out, right?'

Alex looked at his girlfriend smiling. 'We're having a baby...'

'If you could say something else that would be great. Maybe something that would actually help me understand what's going on in your head...' Perrie looked worried now.

Alex laughed before kissing her. 'I love you. I know we've not being together for that long but I love you and I know for a fact you're the one I want to spend the rest of my life with. I knew it since the first time I met you. I am happy. Actually, no. I'm really really happy. Sure it's going to be hard but I kind of knew from the beginning it wasn't going to be an easy ride with you. And we're gonna have a baby!'

'You definitely took it better that me to be honest!' Perrie laughed before kissing him again.

'Well you're allowed to get excited now because I promised you everything is gonna be perfect. Wait, can I tell my mum yet?'

'Well my mum knows... And Ellie, and the girls. It's not really a secret anymore, feel free to share.'

Perrie thought about how different it felt to tell Alex they were having a baby compared to when she told Zayn and she suddenly realized that the closure she was looking for came from within herself, not Zayn.

'I think we should go home and you should get some rest.'

'Can you believe I actually came here today and after all that happened I didn't even perform?! Actually fuming about it.'

Perrie and Alex walked back into the girls dressing room where Debbie already packed all of Perrie's stuff. They quickly said goodbye to everyone and Perrie promised to call the girls later on that night before walking out the room.

As they walked towards the exit, Perrie noticed Zayn's name on one f the dressing rooms.

'Hang on babe, before we go there's something I need to do.'

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