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WARNING: reference to physical/mental abuse that might be triggering.



Perrie flicked the kettle on and started opening cupboards and tins to make herself and her mum a coffee.

'Feels like I haven't seen you in ages, what's new?'

'Mum we talk on the phone every day, you know everything about my life.' Perrie raised her eyebrows at her mum.

Debbie took her coffee and sat down at the table. 'Sure about that Miss? Because a little birdie told me there's a certain boy in the scene I know nothing about...'

'Oh... so Norma told you?' Perrie kept staring into her mug.

'She might have mentioned something, not that she needed too to be honest because you've been different lately.'

'I knew that you ladies having that group chat wasn't a good idea!'

'Don't try and change the subject young lady! Tell me everything.'

'I met him through friends but I didn't want anything to do with him at first. Then I sort of... like... pushed myself to get to know him a little bit more and now I'm so smitten it's unreal.'

'That's a really nice thing to say love. How does he feel about you?'

'Oh mum, he's being so perfect since day one, I can't even describe it. He's so sweet and considerate... he tries and call me anytime he's got a minute and sends me all these cute texts and asks me about me and my day...'

'Sounds alright, doesn't he?'

'The problem is, he's been away for just a week and I already miss him!'

'Why's that bad?!'

'Debs stop trying to psychoanalyze me!'

'I'm not trying to do anything, I'm just worried about you, since what happened.'

'I know, I know... I'm trying not to let the past get to me but it's hard mum! I'm just so scared all the time.'

'I would be too if I had to go through what you've been through.'

Perrie put her head in her hands and started to cry.

'Oh baby...' Debbie moved her chair next to her daughter's 'How many times do we have to tell you, what happened wasn't your fault! Not one thing.'

'You don't get it... no one gets it! Mum, for the past two years I lived with someone who kept cheating on me and shouting to my face it was my fault for not being pretty enough and not being good enough. No one can understand what it felt like to be locked in that house for days with my phone being taken away or when he touched me in ways I didn't want to be touched. The fights, the screaming... I can't just push it away!'

'You don't have to! No one will ever ask you to forget because it's impossible. You just have to understand that this is a new relationship and it's not going to be the same. Does this boy know about all these things?'

'Alex? No... he knows it didn't end up well with Zayn but I never went into details.'

'Maybe you should, there's nothing to be ashamed of. I think that if you're considering getting serious with Alex it's just fair that he knows.'

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