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2nd January.


'Oh girls, I missed you so much!' Jade hugged her band mates when she saw them at the studio after the holidays. 'How was Christmas?' they all sat down on a bench before starting to work.

'It was really good, we ate so much though! I literally couldn't stop!'

'I am more tired now than before the holidays! Me and Andre kept going from one house to the other to make sure we was everyone in the family!'

'Me and Alex had a lovely time but it went too fast! I'm not seeing him for a while now.'

'How did the surprise go? How's the new puppy?'

'He's so adorable and Alex was so happy.'

'You two will end up with a zoo, I know it already!'


'Are you done yet?' Alex was waiting at the door with his car keys in his hand. His brother was finishing to pack his bags.

'Done. Let's go!' the boys got in the car and Alex started to drive his brother to the station.

'I'm glad you didn't go back with mum and dad, we never get to spend time together anymore!'

'Don't tell me, you're the busy one between training and girlfriends!' Christian laughed. 'She's really nice by the way.'

'She is. I think I did well this time.'

'Don't mean to stir things up, but what is gonna happen when you move to Manchester?'

'I haven't told her yet. A lot already happened during the holidays and she's a worrier so I didn't want to spoil the holidays.'

'Man, you need to tell her. It's a big step anyway, playing for Liverpool. I'm surprised you managed to keep your mouth shut to be honest!'

Christian was right. Alex wasn't shy, he wasn't one to hold back or think too much before he talked, as his mum always said.

Something was different this time. He couldn't stop but over thinking things, rehearsing what he was going to say over and over again before every date, trying to find the right words to say not to hurt that special person that he knew for so little but cared for so much.

'it's not gonna be official for a good couple of weeks yet, maybe even more. And she's gonna tour in a couple of months as well, it can't be that bad.'

'If you say so...'

'I don't want to tell her on the phone anyway, so it'll have to wait for the end of the month when I can finally see her again!'

-Alex would like to FaceTime-

-Hi bubs. Are you okay?

-So tired, forgot how hard it is go to back training after stuffing your face with turkey and potatoes for days!

-I know, I kept telling the girls I wanted a nap today... Jesy would you keep quiet for a moment?! Can you hear her singing?!

-I can actually. Are you still at the studio then?

-Yes, we're actually attempting recording something so it's gonna be a late one!

-That's exciting... Listen I actually have to give you bad news...

-Here we go...

-I know I told you I was gonna be free for a couple of days in two weeks, but it turns out the only days off I'll have will be in the last week of January.

-Well, I've got bad news for you too, because we're in Italy last week of January. Why is life so complicated?!

-Typical... I won't have any time off for another two or three weeks after that.

-No big deal, I'm sure we'll manage somehow! You better get me the best Valentine's present ever.

-Oh right, bye the time we see each other again it's gonna be Valentine's day! Never celebrated Valentine's day with a proper girlfriend before.

-There's always a first! To be fair I'm surprised you still want to spend time with me after all the time we spent together in the past three months!

-They've been the best three months ever, apart for the sleep deprivation of course.

-At least we can use this month for catching up on some!

-Can't fall asleep without you anymore...

-I definitely can, you snore babe!

-Oi! I don't snore! You're the first person ever to say that.

-Sorry but it's the truth hun. Just when you're really tired though.

-I still think it's not true but okay.

-Don't worry bubs, I love you even when you snore. Listen I gotta go now, I'll call you tomorrow. Night babe.

-Night babe.


'When did the whole ''I love you'' thing happened?!' Leigh-Anne and Jesy had been listening to the whole conversation.

'On Christmas Eve.'

'Who said it first?!'

'Me, after he gave me one of the presents.'

Jesy pulled a funny face. 'Don't get me wrong, really cute, but you two make me want to vomit sometimes!'

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