She's just going to fail on every one of these men, who might deserve to be a Hunter. Who risked their lives for this? And she won't let them pass because of what? Not liking their pork. I also wanted to talk to Killua and Gon a little more.

But like always, good things will come to an end eventually.

"Nobody passed?"


"Does she really mean that?!"

"Wait, so exams over?"

"You've gotta be kidding!"

I looked around to see shocked faces surrounding me. I even saw some people looking at me angrily, like I caused them their failure.

I quickly looked down, almost disappointed with myself. After a few seconds of hopefully everyone's anger passing I lifted my eyes.

When I looked over to Killua, he didn't seem to care all too much. If anything he had a look of confusion plastered on his face. It was kind of a relief to know that he doesn't care that much about the exam, so he wouldn't be sad.

"This is unacceptable. Do ya hear me? I will not accept this!" Orange Horse yells, catching everyone's attention because of the water he made sprouting from his kitchen.

"Say what you want, but you still failed." Menchi shrugged unamused from the large mans childish behavior.

"You asked for a pork and we gave it to you. We risked our lives-" He yells back but quickly gets interrupted from Menchi, "your challenge was to prepare a pork dish that both examiners would find delicious, and none of you except one came even close to succeeding. You all did pretty much the exact same thing. I mean, it's like you didn't even try to figure it out." Menchi crossed her arms "and when it looked like you had tried, it was just a dang platting with no flavor to back it up! It's clear that none of you who failed took this seriously." She furrowed her eyebrows.

"Yeah, but come on, pork? No matter how you cook it, it's still just pork." The bald man with a strong figure said. I've seen him from before, he was in the front of the group when we were running for all that time.

"You wanna say that one more time? If I hear any more crap from you, I'll shove my arm down your neck and knock your teeth out! Got it?" Menchi yelled while grabbing on the collar of his shirt, with their faces just a foot apart. Honestly, I ship it.

She continued to yell at him until she finally stopped and sat back down on her seat.

"So, as I was saying, not a single one of who failed has the guts to cook anything remotely new or innovative." She sighed, while looking down. She seemed to be bored in a way now, but obviously still angry.

Right before the crowd spoke up, I could feel a very... and I mean very angry presence, I looked around to found it. And of course it all came from my one and only psychotic clown brother himself. If I didn't know who he was, I'd probably be scared. But I've seen his soft side when I was younger. Of course it's not like most others who smile and laugh for their soft side. For him he gets comfortable around you and you basically just get used to his empty threats. Because under all that makeup and hair spray... he's still the scared and unloved boy he was all those years ago.

"Hey! Shut up! I'm not here because I'm trying to be some gourmet cook, but a Hunter!" Orange Horse yelled, throwing he fist in the air like a protest. Others around him did the same.

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